Chapter 49

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Today we had our quarterly meeting with architects to get updates on the ongoing projects. However, my attention was on my phone rather than my team, which was not overlooked by my new assistant. My new assistant was too uptight to be honest. Since Suraj appointed her himself, I never had a doubt about her capabilities, but she was too cold, too serious and too hard on life that it felt like she was my boss rather than my employee sometimes. Like at this moment, she was giving me a harsh glare as she took down notes of everything being said and discussed around the room knowing I'll need to go through everything later when I had my mind in the game. She was also managing to efficiently avoid any questions directed to me with stern reminder to everyone that I'll go through everything once again before giving my inputs, because she knew I can't tell anything now. Somehow we managed to finish the meeting and after telling me how unprofessional it was of me to waste everyone's time and to make her go through the extra efforts of making excessive notes, she left to arrange copies of the presentations made today for me to look into later on.

I was worried as Preeti and Sandhya were meeting Rana and Nandini today at the Banquet Hall, where Sandhya was planning to tell them everything. It's been a couple of weeks since she returned but Rana hasn't been responding to her calls for them to meet up earlier. Finally after failing to manage herself, she went ahead to ask Preeti for help and thus, today she has managed to convince them to meet at the Hall in the guise of asking their help to plan Sandhya's engagement. Suraj's parents were planning to come over in a couple of weeks and have already confessed their wishes to have an engagement the same day. We are still discussing on how to go about this and therefore, it was the perfect excuse. Sandhya has gone to live with Ammu and Maa-Papa and has been able to fill some of the void Preeti's departure have left in Ammu's life. She is still taking a break and therefore, we have no idea what she is planning on doing for her career. However, she did mention about having done masters in event management, I just don't know her specialisation. It's different abroad than here. They have specialisations based on different industries and the type of events. Anand opted out of doing his masters in the same because of this. He just went of Business Management with me and managed everything else on his own, since he didn't want to go abroad to get proper degree in this area. Anyways, I just hope they manage everything. Preeti and Anand said they would update me, but so far, nothing.

Somehow, I manage to go through the presentations and the notes my assistant, Lavanya, made from the meeting. She deliberately got me even the ones I didn't need to give my input as a payback for how I made her work extra for the meeting. However, I wasn't mad as her stern attitude made me snap back to work and I was finally able to finish my work before time. I left to go to the Banquet Hall myself to check since I wasn't getting any updates and was worried.

As I enter the Banquet Hall through the office entrance in order to see Anand first, since I didn't want to barge in, in case they are still talking, I hear some whispering here and there. I don't pay mind thinking them to be working. However, when I hear Anand's assistant saying his name, I can't help calling her to ask what is going on.

"Hey excuse me! Could you come here for a moment please?" I call her.

"Yes Sir? Do you need anything?" she asks.

"No I don't need anything, however, I heard Anand's name from you back there, is everything okay?" I inquire.

"Yes Sir, everything is fine. Anand Sir is inside with your wife and friends. They are discussing about the arrangement for the upcoming events." She replies but I feel like there is more. However, not intending to put her in a spot, I let her be and move towards the main hall to see what's going on.

As I near the hall, I hear voices that sound like argument. I rush in afraid that things went down with Sandhya and Rana, but am stopped dead in steps in shock from what I find.

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