Chapter 24

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I am waiting for an hour now. Where is he? For the first time since Aman's classes started, he is late. I even had to reach home myself since neither he turned up to pick me, nor he answered my call. Ammu's class will be over in another hour and I'll have to leave. Where is he?

In the last couple of months, we have learnt so much about each other; our likes-dislikes, hobbies, friends, family and work. It's like everything. He also told me his journey through the turmoil of feelings he had for me since the first day. I so wanted to tell him too, but I'm scared we're moving so fast.

My phone rang breaking my trance. It's him.

"Where are you?"

"I'm dropping Aman home and telling your parents that you're staying with Bitto."


"I need you to stay back tonight," he doesn't sound good.

"Okay. Just come home soon"

"I will"

He came after half an hour. He looks tired and sick.

"Are you okay?" I touched his face and it's so warm. "Oh My God, are you having a fever?"

"Noooo." he sounds so tired "I'm just tired."

"Okay go and take a shower. I'll prepare dinner." he nodded and I went to bring his coffee first.

I entered his room with the coffee when I didn't find him in mine. He is showered, changed, and sleeping!

I went to him slowly not to disturb him. He is really tired. I ran my hands through his hair and was about to turn when he held my wrist and tugged me to sit beside him. He brought his head upon my lap and encircled his arms around my waist snuggling into my stomach. I felt tingling sensation all over my body with his act.

I froze from the sudden act, but somehow relaxed after noticing the lines of worry disappearing from his forehead. I stayed there like that for around a couple of hours just looking at him and caressing his face and hairs. He woke up then with a relaxed demeanour and smiled at me. I returned the smile but soon realising that I've let him come so close to me, heat began to rise up to my cheeks. I heard him chuckle and looked up to find him eyeing me teasingly. The heat raised and I just wanted to leave from his eyesight. But as soon as I stood up, he held my wrist and pulled me to fall on his lap. I gasped as he held me close to himself from my waist.

"Uh I-I have to m-make dinner. Pl-please leave m-me!" I stuttered while he continued to caress my waist making my breath rate to rise.

"I think I should talk to your parents' soon," he said and I felt breath being knocked out of me. We held each other's eyes for a while before I buried my face in the crook of his neck blushing.

I cuddled him to sleep after dinner since he was reluctant to let go of me but as soon as he fell asleep, I came out and went to the kitchen where the small temple is. I lit a lamp before the idol and asked them to bless our love and relationships.

I came back and sat beside him on the bed looking at him and caressing his hairs. He told me he started work on the land he acquired in the auction and that's why he was late. He worked really hard for it, we all did I guess. Finally, he can start with the dream house project. He told me he met with many architects but couldn't find a suitable model to even inspire him on something. That's why he was feeling so down and stressed. I can't believe I let him come this close to me. Now I think is the right time I can tell him the feelings I have kept in hold for so long. From tomorrow onwards, I'll introduce him to myself fully. It's time to bare my soul completely.


"So you mean you were on the same boat as me this whole time?" he asked after I finished telling him my side of story. And when I nodded, he began to chuckle and soon laugh while shaking his head. I got worried.

"Ar-Are you m-mad at me?" I asked carefully stuttering a bit. He stopped laughing and looked at me. He doesn't look mad, he looks happy!

"Why would I be mad Preeti. I'm just amused that you played me all this long," he said.

"I wasn't playing!" I exclaimed


"Yeah. I just was being practical to test the waters before stepping in. And moreover, I was really mad at your stunt." I told him. He smiled and pulled me into his arms.

"Whatever, I'm just happy I have you."

"Me too" I said as we lay back down on his bed. Ever since I cuddled him to sleep a couple of days back, he asked me to spend our time in his room.


"Why is he mad at you if Kiran didn't call him for a week?" I asked him when he told me Anand is mad at him.

"Because she calls me everyday and not him," he sighed.

He told me how Anand gets insecure every once in awhile and how important is it for him to be made comfortable. He told me how he got nervous when they visited my house and all. Therefore, we decided that first we need to make him comfortable before we take the next step. So now, we are planning some get-togethers with him at home. At least I should get along with him while we await the right time to tell Kiran.


"Why don't we have a family night out?" he is insistent on me staying again and since I am not agreeing, he is now asking me to bring over Ammu too.

It's getting hard to keep him at distance with each passing day. We keep our lines, but I fear how long?

"Oh yeah? And what will I tell home?" I inquired

"Simple tell them you are staying over with Bitto... at home." he completed hurriedly before I can argue.

"Okay" I don't have any more energy left to argue after an hour long argument. We are already like some old married couple, as he likes to put it.

So, we ended up having Ammu over and having him explore the house while we prepared dinner and then I cuddled both the men to sleep. I swear I'm feeling like a cuddle bear the way they both drape around me. Don't know what will happen when Kiran will join them? *Sighs*


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