Chapter 26

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I was waiting in Kiran's hostel room as she called me to meet her there. I was still in the University for some Work and she had gone to meet her brother not more than half an hour, before she called me to meet her at the hostel. She didn't sound fine at all and thus, I'm worried.

After some 20 minutes or so, the door to her room flew open and in came she looking furious. Thank the Almighty that her roommate isn't back yet because I, and I think anyone else too, have never seen her this mad. She was rambling furiously making me catch only tit bits.

"What does he think of himself... he... not.. Bhaiya... FAULT!" she shouted the last part making me jump.

I moved towards her and tried to calm her.

"Kiran! What's wrong? Why are you so angry? Didn't you see your Bhaiya?" I asked her and she looked at me. Her features relaxed for a moment before she collapsed in my arms crying loudly. I panicked.

"Kiran! What's the matter dear? Won't you tell me?" I asked while soothing her.

It took her almost an hour to calm down, which scared me to core, before she started speaking.

"Di you know I went to see Bhaiya?" she looked at me and I nodded "Well, he was in a meeting and I wanted to meet him. But that Suraj... he said, I can't. When I said I'll complain to Bhaiya about his behaviour, he said I can do whatever I want, but he won't let me see Bhaiya. He even called me a spoilt princess." And saying this she again began to sob. I hugged her tightly close to my heart and soothed her. I made her sleep and went to call her brother, to get answers to the tears of my baby girl from the man I love, and who claims to love her over the moon and back.



I entered my cabin after a long meeting. It's a very important project and I had worked my head off to make it. Only a few minutes have passed after I took my seat, when my phone went off and I smiled seeing it was Preeti.

"Hey-" I began only to get cut off by a furious Preeti.

"Who is this Suraj?" she asked furiously making me frown and confused.

"Preeti you know Suraj! He is my employee and-" she cut me yet again.

"Exactly" she almost shouted, "He is just an employee. No matter his position or loyalty, he is still just an employee. Then how dare he throw Kiran out of your office?" she asked making me frown.

"He did what?" I asked her again to make sure.

"Yes, your favourite employee threw your baby sis out of your office." she said emphasising each and every word to make me realise how angry she was.

"Okayyy, relax" I said slowly as I knew she'll blast me for it.

"RELAX! You're asking me to relax! Are you the same person who I heard saying that will turn the world upside down for his baby sis?" she asked totally raged.

"Yes I'm the same. But you need to listen to me first before blasting me again." I asked her calmly.

"Fine, say what you have to say" she said huffing making me smile.

"Okay now listen, I'll tell you the full thing in the evening BUT I got something for you to learn before that. Soooo, now I'll cut the call and call back after a few seconds. You'll just pick it up and listen. I won't be hearing anything you say because I'll have to put the phone down to have you listen what I want you to and I can't also have you on speaker. So just, listen as much as you can handle and rest, we'll discuss at home. Okay?" I asked.

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