Chapter 5

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It's been a long time since my first conversation with her. That day after picking up Bitto, I moved towards Cheenu's cabin. I turned to look for her, but she was gone.

I sat beside Bitto until she woke up that day and met Cheenu. I informed Mother about having met Bitto through phone while she was asleep.

I got to learn her name that day and also got to talk to her, I mean in better circumstances than the last time. From that day onwards I was sure that I have developed some sort of feeling for this girl, but the question was how strong and what to do with them!

Today is last paper for Bitto and her exams finish. I'm going to pick her up from the University. I'm really happy to have her back with me because Even though she visited us sometimes, but she never stayed more than a couple of days only, in the whole past year and it's the first time I'm having her for whole two months with me. She even spent her winter break on her college trip and for the first time I've to let her go alone as it wasn't only some fun trip like school days within the boundaries of city where I can be with her.

Yes, I've never allowed her to leave me alone. Even when she went for an outdoor camp for once in school days, I followed her and kept an eye on her for whole of the time. Of course, she knew but she didn't mind. But I certainly can't follow her in a college and academic trip. In addition, she shut me up by stating that Preeti is going to be with her so I need not worry. Well true, I can trust her since it's her that has been taking care of my Bitto in my absence, but that did not lessen my worries. I called her every hour for a whole day until Preeti took her phone and told me to behave mature. I was too embarrassed but still called Bitto at least three times to make sure she is taking her meals.

In this one year, whenever Bitto came home she talked about Preeti more than anything else did. I have found out her address long back, but if it wouldn't have been for Bitto, I would've never been able to know about her more. I was passing by one day when I saw her outside her house with her parents. From that day onwards, it became my habit to go around her house at least once a day in the hopes of seeing her. It wasn't until a couple of weeks efforts that I found out her routine of leaving or returning home and I made it my routine to be there to see her at least once a day by being present around at, at least one, such time.

It wasn't easy for me to get to see her daily by just knowing her address. Sometimes my work or Anand would be the trouble, and sometimes her change in schedule would. It took me great efforts to get acquainted with her routines and a lot of questioning from Bitto, which wasn't easy owing to the fact that I couldn't tell her about my feelings; at least not yet.

Anyways, I try to see her daily, keyword being try. I mean I'm not a stalker to follow her all the time and interfere into her life. I like her, may be more than that but I'm still not ready to face her with my feelings. For now, I just want to try to get to know her more, since I just know her as much as Bitto does. Moreover, for the time being Bitto is the only thing I want to give my actual attention to.

She's coming home finally. It wouldn't be easy for her to adjust here at Anand's house. Even though I'm living here for almost 10 months and Bitto has came over to stay a number of times, but still it's not home for her, for us. We're still guests here even though we all are family.

I parked my car and straight went to the cafeteria, as Bitto will come there only. Also it's become a habit to visit Cheenu whenever I'm in the campus. We talked for a while before he went to his room to get something and I stayed behind the counter waiting for him.

A few minutes passed before Preeti came running wearing a heavy Anarkali dress looking absolutely stunning and tried to call Cheenu. However, she was too out of breath to do so, so I did.

"Cheenu! Someone's here for you" I called and turned to find her frowning, still trying to catch her breath.

Cheenu came with a bag and handed her saying he went to bring that only. She took it and took off with the same speed she had come. I turned to Cheenu frowning and asked

"What just happened?"


"She just came like a thunderbolt and left alike!" I frowned again "Does she even breathe!" I asked stupidly

"Yes, of course she does" He replied laughing "But when it comes to work, maybe she forgets sometimes" he added calmly

"She was rushing to field on another task, that's why she was in a hurry," he explained on seeing me confused

I was about to ask further when Bitto entered shouting happily

"BHAIYA!! Exams finished. Done, the end AND I'M GOING HOME.," she screamed on the top of her lungs and I can't help but smile widely seeing her so happy. I hugged her tight and saying our goodbyes to Cheenu, we left.

I drove off still with the picture of Preeti on my mind, which I just saw.



A year has passed since Kiran joined SSL. The whole year I tried to learn as much as possible about him from Kiran. She was his heart and he loved her most in the entire world. She was just 12 when their parents passed away and he raised her almost alone with a little help from his best friend and Mother Stacy of course. She told me that he never let her go out of his eyes reach and it's for the first time he has done it. She even told me that how he tried to throw tantrum about our winter camp to which she threatened him with my name. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was beyond shocked and amused at the same time. He let her go because I was there! Frankly, I felt trusted and it was not the first time; but somehow it felt different.

On the day of our last exam, I was hurrying to reach field for an important assignment. I reached the cafeteria to collect some needful stuff that I've left there, only to find him behind the counter. I was too out of breath to speak thus he did for me.

"Cheenu! Someone's here for you" I frowned so deep for the first time in life, as far as I remember. Someone! SOMEONE!! He called me just someone and here I was falling for him.

Yes, I realised that day that I was falling for him even without knowing him, like literally, because whatever I knew was from the perspective of a sister for her brother. However, I didn't have time to react or think about it that day, so I left.


When the results came, of course I was the first one to learn them. I so wanted to call Kiran and tell her that she topped but since she had told me that she don't even want to know it before the vacations end, I decided otherwise. However, as soon as I saw his car, knowing Kiran has come I left all my work and rushed towards her to tell her. I would have celebrated it more with her but it was his place first, so I stepped aside. I witnessed their sweet moment from the corner of my eyes and was over the moon with admiration. He loves her sooooo much.


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