Chapter 12

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It's been one week since I last met Preeti. She asked for time and I have to respect that. But I still go to see her daily. She has been her normal usual self and here I'm sulking waiting for her reply. I don't like being at home because without her and Bitto, it's not home. I have spent most of my time here at my office working as much as possible to divert my mind from thinking about worst possible scenarios behind her not calling. I just go home to sleep, as Suraj won't be off my back if I won't. There also I'm able to sleep only in her room because it still has her scent from that day.

Bitto called yesterday saying that she is going to have a couple of days off along with weekend and thus she is finally willing to come home. I have completed her room too and have arranged for all the surprises I wanted for her. I've locked the remaining parts of the house which are yet to be kept surprise. I know she'll be mad for that but once she'll see her room, she'll let go of it.

I was deep in thoughts thinking about my baby sis and her probable reactions over her surprises when my phone rang startling me. It was an unknown number. I picked it up spoke in my usual professional tone.

"Prem Saxena speaking" I said without any expressions in my voice.

"Ouch! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess" came the most sweet voice from the other side succeed by a soft chuckle which filled me with immense pleasure.

"Preeti?" I asked almost in a whisper.

"Yes it's me" she replied alike making me smile.

"Thank you for calling" I said the first thing that came into my mind to which I received another chuckle as an answer making me curious as to why she is in such a good mood. Good enough to give me call which means a chance.

'A Chance to Love'

"What's the matter? You sound very happy. Not that I'm complaining, it's just that you called me. I mean you know what this means, right?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes I do" she chuckled again but a bit softly this time "I know very well that me calling you means that I've decided something. Moreover, as to me being happy, well I am. I'm really very happy today and I'm sure you'll be too when you'll come to know, but it's not my place to tell you" she said confusing me.

"Umm sorry but I didn't get you!" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"I mean it's something which your sister is supposed to tell you and if I know her well, she has already made plans to spend upcoming short holidays at home with you, right?" she asked.

"Yeah she called last night stating this and since then I'm planning her welcome in her new home," I said with a smile thinking of my surprise again.

"Hmm she told me how excited she is to go to her new home and let me warn you she is expecting really high for the surprises you promised" she said and I felt like it was normal for us to talk like that. We were talking as if we have known each other for whole of our lives, even before that, whereas in reality we were talking, like literally talking for the first time in life.

"It feels so good to be able to talk like this" I voiced my feelings. I got worried when there came no response from the other side.

"I always felt like this while talking to you" came the reply after a long pause and if felt like the air left my lungs.

"Umm you mean... I mean... you... I..." I started to stammer and she began to laugh. I felt myself relaxing by the voice of her laugh.

"Why are you so afraid of talking to me? I know my first impression of talking was not so good, but I never thought it will have such an effect on you." she said and I froze shocked by her disclosure that she actually remembered our first meeting.

"You remember?" I asked her slowly

"I remember everything, maybe more than you know" I can feel her smiling through her voice and that made me smile with content.

"I would like to know all those things" I said

"I'm sure you would" I felt it was a positive response but I really wanted, no needed to know her response properly

"So will you let me know? I mean -"

"Yes" she cut me in between but I cannot mind this now, can I?

"Sooo, when?" I asked

"Soon, but for now I just want you to prepare for Kiran's welcome and be ready with some special gift for her as she is coming with a really good news for you" she said making me proud on her but anxious at the same time about what Bitto was going to tell me.

"Are you sure I need not be worried about this news Bitto is coming over with?"

"Not if you trust me," she asked rather slowly

"I trust you," I said right away, as there's no doubt in that.

"Well then, prepare for your sister's arrival. You have only two days left." she said softly "I'll call you back later."

"When" I asked stupidly but I really am impatient when it comes to her. I've been patient long enough to not be able to keep patience anymore.

"After this short holiday ends as I've also promised my brother to spend it with him without any interruption, of course if something really important doesn't come up and it doesn't include anything important for me." she explained and I felt really touched by her.

"Great then, we'll fulfil our respective duties before moving on with our rights" I replied her with same voice.

"Hmm..." she hummed "Bye then" she said after a pause.

"I feel you don't want to say it yet" I said it with a bit teasingly.

"It's nothing like that," she said and I can feel her blushing on the other side.

"Is that why you are blushing?"

"Huh!" she took a sharp breath "I'm not blushing," she said after a while and I can bet she is even more red by now so I decided to stop teasing her.

"Okay okay, I won't tease now. Have a good time with your brother; and I'll see you soon?" I asked

"Sure" she said and we hanged up.

This day is the best day of my life, obviously after the day I got my baby sis.


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