Chapter 45

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The day is finally here. Banquet hall is decorated like a bride itself. Devarji have gone all out on preparations. This is probably the most lavish arrangement he has ever made for an event. Not only the decorations were top notch, he has even gone all out on security. Too worried for me and his niece or nephew in my womb, he has made sure that even though the number of guests coming was huge, each and every guest would be checked for invites, which would further be verified by the list of invitees we had. He has booked the security agency he generally only uses for high class business events. He has also collaborated with his preferred wedding planner that he associates with for the occasional weddings he take up to planning for the event, even though there was no need since there are no plans for arranging any wedding rituals. He said he wants us enjoy everything we missed during our wedding. Even though there were no rituals, he made sure the decorations were screaming 'Wedding'. It's been two years and we are already moving on to the next level in our relationship and life; we are going to be parents soon and here Devarji is still making a fuss over us getting our dream wedding. We didn't have the heart to tell him that we were already living our dream and he didn't need to go through all the fuss. Moreover, even though we were satisfied in our lives, we knew our family had their own dreams regarding our wedding and therefore, we just went with the flow letting everyone fulfil their dreams.

Guests have started to arrive already. Since we wanted to keep the whole event lavish yet private, we haven't allowed media coverage. Devarji is going to release photos and videos later as well as our official statements. Rest we have invited some people from the media that Devarji and his brother are acquainted with so they will put their inputs as well.

Everyone from SSL came early along with Mother Stacy. Parineeta Jiji and Pratham Jiju also arrived in the morning with Prutha, so they are the ones taking care of everyone from SSL while catching up. Rana and Nandini along with our team from the NGO are helping Kiran with other guests, while Devarji is still looking after arrangements. Ammu and his Jiju are receiving guests while Maa and Papa are busy with taking care of the relatives and family friends. Suraj is due to arrive with his family any minute. I will be meeting them for the first time. Kiran has met them already, but just as Suraj's legal advisor. Though they already know about her and approve of her as well, she is still unknown to everything. Suraj is planning to propose her today, but I'm not sure he will be able to. He is somewhat scared of her reaction; after all, our baby girl is not predictive.

Anyways, more or less everyone important is already here and we are just waiting for the last few important ones before starting the function officially. Everyone is here except her. She promised in her last mail that she will come, but I am starting to have doubts now. Rana has already forsaken any hopes and even Maa-Papa has stopped waiting for her, but I could not. However, if she did not come today, then I may.


Even without the media, making the announcement caused a huge uproar amongst the guests. All the relatives and business associates were expecting some announcement regarding some new business achievement or at most an engagement, but to announce that we are already married and that too for almost two years was not something expected and therefore, it took some time to bring the situation under control. Although, once appeased, everyone was happy to send wishes our way and enjoy the party. We then met with Suraj's family and it was decided that the best way to proceed would be similar as ours. They will soon be visiting with and alliance for Kiran and Suraj's marriage and till then Suraj will continue to court our girl.

Everyone was enjoying and Devarji was still working. However, amongst all this, the only thing I can concentrate was her absence. The announcement was done and the guests were all enjoying the party. Some have even started to leave for they had other commitments but she was yet not here. I have moved to the swings in the backyard of the Hall was relaxing while hoping for her to come. Kiran, Jiji, Mother Stacy, Reema along with a few girls from SSL were chatting a few feet from me while Prutha and Ammu were sitting near the swings and playing; or supposed to be playing as Ammu kept looking back at me to keep an eye in case I need something.

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