Chapter 13

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I just dropped Bitto back to her hostel. Though she still has one more day for her classes to start, but she said that she has some work to do. Thus, I dropped her off early.

She told me that she has yet again topped her class. Yes, the results came late. Bitto said it was because of the student committee not being active during the summer. But whatever, I at least they turned out good. However, that wasn't the news Preeti was talking about. It was something much more special.

Preeti has made Bitto student head of the 'Cultural Committee' at the University. Actually, she was appointed by Mother, but was suggested by Preeti. Bitto was too happy and said that she feels more confident that everyone trusts her to hold such a big responsibility. She was literally jumping and planning for the probable events to come. Preeti was right when she said I should give her something for her achievement. Bitto was over the moon with happiness when I gave her a set of exclusively made pen, which had her name engraved on their caps. She hugged me really tight, which made my heart burst with happiness. She always wanted to have these pens since she saw me using one. These are exclusive set made my people to ensure there is never anything wrong with the ones I'm using. We can never be careful enough in business world.

Bitto also liked her room a lot. She didn't leave it for a whole day. I had to provide her or rather feed her, her meals there only; while she was busy with her toys. Yes, she still likes to play with dolls and other decorative toys. Therefore, I filled her rooms with them along with a lot of new clothes and shoes and other needful items, so she will never need to carry anything back and forth from her hostel. She was really happy. She even didn't complain about the closed parts of the house saying that if every surprise is going to be this special then she can wait for a lifetime. *chuckles*

I really want to call Preeti and thank her for whatever she did for Bitto, but she said that she doesn't want any distraction for the holidays. Maybe I can at least leave a message! Yes, I can do that.

Hey! Thanks for the surprise. Bitto was really very happy and this sure will boost her confidence. Thanks a lot. - Prem

I left the message and went to my cabin. I was engrossed in my work when my phone went off indicating an incoming message. I checked it and it was from Preeti.

I thought I was part of that family, but I guess I was wrong. No need for your thanks though. - Preeti

Oh no! Preeti took my words wrong. I need to call her right away. She picked up after the fourth ring when I was about to cut to call again.

"Preeti I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that" I blurted as soon as the phone was answered.

"Umm... DeeMa is not here, she said she doesn't want to speak to anyone" the reply came that obviously wasn't from Preeti.

"May I know who is it?" I was confused as the person called Preeti 'Deema' that I felt odd.

"I'm Aman, DeeMa's brother. May I know who are you?" Aman asked but I was unsure to what to answer.

I was contemplating my reply when I heart Preeti's voice.



I was very happy when Mother agreed to my suggestion and appointed Kiran as the 'Cultural Committee Head'; and her reaction just made my day. Therefore, I finally decided to end her brother's misery and also share my happiness with him. Of course I couldn't disclose the reason to my happiness as it was Kiran's right to share her success with her most special person, but I indeed made it clear that I'm giving him a 'Chance to Love'.

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