Chapter 17

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After I picked Preeti, we drove in complete silence for a while. Except for the initial greetings, which took place more in eyes than in words, we haven't spoken a word. Therefore, I decided to break it.

"Uh, I'm sorry for Anand earlier." she looked at me with a soft smile, but a blank expression. "He's just too cool to behave sometimes. Nevertheless, he's good at heart. I can assure you he didn't meant to make you uncomfortable; it's just his nature to act playful all the time. I'm sorry!"

She finally smiled genuine indicating she has forgiven and said,

"It's okay. I've heard a few things from Kiran about him, when she at some rare instances let go of your stories" she smiled teasingly at me "I know he's not a bad person and I didn't even thought so. I was just slight surprised when he called me..." she trailed making me smile.

"Oh... So the reality hit a bit hard huh?" I asked teasingly making her blush. "I like it when you blush" I added making the blush deepen.

We rode in comfortable silence thereon.


On reaching the door of the house, Preeti stopped at the entrance to read the name embarked as the identity of the house - The Surya Sadan.

She was caressing the name of our house when I reached behind her after parking the car. I liked the look on her face.

"My Father's Name" I said and she jerked turning around.

"You scared me," she said a bit breathlessly keeping a hand on her heart.

"Sorry." I said. Maybe she didn't realise my presence.

"It's okay. So, can I have a tour of our house?" she said making me happy.

"Of course, it's your own house after all." I said guiding her inside.

We entered the living room and I asked her to walk steadily from thereon. Our house is in a large circular formation, consisting of eleven rooms on the ground floor. All the rooms are around the circle joined by a wide lobby on the inside, while the centre is left open. The entry is from the living room and then we enter the lobby. The next room to the living area is mine, the next to it is the one I made for Preeti and the next to it is Bitto's followed by Anand's. Yes, I made a room for him, as I don't want him to feel like a stranger at our house because he did the same by making space for us at his, these past few months.

Other than the four rooms for us and a living room, there's a kitchen on the other side of living room the attached with a large dining room having a capacity to hold thirty people. It can be accessed from the lobby to avoid entering the kitchen too and covers space of more than two rooms. Out of the four rooms remaining, two I've prepared to be used as guest rooms, which are just followed by the dining room. One small room just opposite to that of living room is actually the access to the rest of the house, which actually runs into basement. Being situated in middle of a town on a hill station, I tried to have a house that is nothing less than a mansion, but doesn't also scream rich by having multiple floors. Therefore, I used the basement for expanding the house. However, that is to be kept secret for the time to come. Therefore, our next stop was the only remaining room of the house, which I actually am renovating to make it to be used by Preeti's parents.

We didn't enter any room but just passed them only because Preeti said she'd explore her house herself later on.

"So! Can I see my room again now?" she asked "I didn't actually get a chance to look at it last time." she said and I gave her a sheepish look to which she laughed.

We reached back to her room and I used the key to open it, at which Preeti raised an eyebrow in question.

"Umm actually it contains your pics and thus if Bitto would've seen it then..." I tried to explain.

"Oh okay." and with that we entered and I turned on the lights.

She looked around and this time there was a soft smile playing on her lips. She explored every corner of the room slowly while I just looked at her happy and amused face, leaning at the doorframe. After exploring the room, she went to the large windows of her room and sliding the curtains to a side opened them to let the fresh air of the monsoon enter with the bright daylight. She turned to me smiling and I pulled off the door walking towards her.

"So! Liked your room this time?" I asked softly and instead of answering, she slowly hugged me surprising me. It took me a while before I hugged her back softly. We stayed like that for a while before she pulled away with a smile on her lips and slight tint of pink on her face. I took her hand and took her to sit on the bed.

"So! What now?" I asked because I really don't know what to talk about or where to start.

"I thought about your idea for getting to know each other better," she said smiling softly.

"And what did you decide?" I asked with a smile of myself.

"I think you are right; we should do that," she said making my smile grow wider. "I even talked to Ammu in this regard and he said that if I'll allow him to join the music classes he's desiring to, I can have a couple of hours every evening to see you; obviously depending upon my schedule from my work." she informed.

"So, that means we can meet almost everyday?" I asked again unable to keep my excitement and happiness.

"I guess, yes. We can meet almost everyday" she said looking into my eyes. "So I was thinking that it would be good if we meet here only?" she asked

"You mean here at home?"

"Hmm" she nodded "This way we'll get the privacy to discuss and share anything and everything, and we'll also be saved from unnecessary gossip of the society. What say?"

"I can't be happier to know that I'm going to have you at my... I mean our house already." I said and she blushed.

"So! You're going to allow Aman to join the classes?" I asked and she smiled.

"That I was going to allow anyways. Actually, the classes are to take place near your office place, as far as I know from what Kiran and Ammu told me. Therefore, I was thinking that I'll come over to drop him and you can pick me, and then you can drop us back too. If it's okay." she said and I liked the way she used her rights over me.

"That's an awesome plan, but what if I'll be busy or you'll be having work? Will Aman miss his classes then?"

"Well he'll have to. I can't let him travel alone this far ever" she said making me laugh.

"Well not now of course, but he's growing Preeti. He'll have to travel alone soon." I said carefully.

"I know" she sighed "But that won't change my nature right? He'll always be my baby brother you know?" she said smiling softly.

"I know. Moreover, I can't blame you too. I don't even remember if I have ever let Bitto travel alone anywhere and she's definitely elder than Aman." I said smiling sheepishly.

"I guess we both can't help our care towards our kids" she smiled warmly.

I am just happy to have her with me.


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