Chapter 27

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What just happened? I can't believe what I just heard. Suraj loves Kiran! Oh My God, I don't know how to react. I mean, first I don't know how can Prem accept that and secondly, he hid it from me. I don't know how to digest this, let alone the fact that Kiran HATES him.

From what I just witnessed with Kiran, I can't imagine how can she ever accept Suraj and his feelings. Above all, his expectations for our baby girl are too high. I can't imagine her accepting that, let alone mould herself into that.

I guess I'll just have to wait till I see Kiran's Brother to be able to understand anything further.


I waited until Kiran woke up and then after taking permission from the Warden, took her home with me. Well technically, she took me as she didn't want to stay alone and I can't stay at the hostel; also she didn't want to go back to mine to avoid meeting my family in her present condition. Therefore, she asked me to take her back to hers and stay with her. It was not big deal convincing my family as they already think I do that sometimes, since I use that excuse to stay over with Prem. Anyways, I texted her brother to warn him beforehand, so he can be ready with his measures to appease her.

We reached home and she rung the doorbell. When he opened the door, he was on the receiving end of a very mean glare. I couldn't do anything except watch silently to not give away anything. However, I would have, if I actually believed it could help. Anyways, she didn't utter a word to her brother and just pulled me to inside to her room; where she very rudely slammed the door closed on his face.

I kept watching her silently while she took some comfort clothes for herself and changed. Then she went ahead to open her window and sat on the windowsill. I took that as my opening and went to her. I kept a hand on her shoulder and she hugged me around the stomach tightly. I guess both the siblings have something in common after all. She didn't cry again to my relief but kept hugging me until we heard a knock at the door. She glared at the door, huffed like a little girl and turned back to look out of the window.

When I realised she isn't going to open the door for her brother, I asked her slowly.

"Wouldn't you open the door for your Bhaiya Kiran?"

"No" she huffed out without turning. I sighed and wend ahead to do it myself.

I opened the door and there he was looking as pitiful as a kicked puppy. I gave him a sad smile and moved aside to let him enter. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed Kiran looking at us discreetly, but as soon as I tuned she turned her back on us again. I smiled at her antics and turned to see him doing the same.

He slowly moved towards her as if not to spook her and then slowly kept his 'gifts' in her lap before stepping back and waiting. Kiran huffed once again crossing her arms and not looking at the things in her lap. I discreetly patted his back to encourage him to keep patience and waited beside him for Kiran to react.

After a few minutes, as if not able to fight her curiosity, Kiran looked down at the things in her lap. First, she slowly opened the big chocolate box and took one to eat. Then while chewing it, she slowly unpacked the beautifully wrapped gift box. It looked like a Watch-box. She opened it and whatever watch was inside really did its work because suddenly she was launching herself into her brothers arms and repeating thank you.

Not able to keep my curiosity now, I interrupted their lovely moment to get some explanation on the situation.

"Uh, excuse me. Can someone tell me what's happening," I asked.

He looked at me with a soft smile but didn't say anything. Therefore, I looked at Kiran. She was smiling creepy at me. I raised an eyebrow and she took the watch box from the windowsill to show me. It looked like some digital watch and when I still gave her confused looks, she turned to give her brother a look and he pulled the sleeve up on his hand to show me a similar watch on his wrist.

I realised it was some paired watch or something but still didn't understand how it managed to soothe Kiran. So, I asked,

"Is it supposed to make some sense?"

He chuckled and Kiran gave me look of disbelief.

"Di how could you not know about these watches?" she said, "These are couple watches, well not technically only for couples but just for the lack of a better term. Didn't you see it in movies before? It works like a wakie-talkie-cum-pager. I mean we can send signals to the other watch when in range and also send little messages using the build in talkie." She explained the device and then I realised what her brother did it for. I discreetly shook my head at his antics and turned my focus on Kiran.

"Okay then, now that you are fine and no longer angry at your brother, can I go back to my house?"

"What? Noooo, please, please stay na... Is it necessary for you to have reason to spend time with me," she asked with a pout.

"Now when you put it like that... No. I don't need a reason to stay, but I need to at least explain Ammu why I didn't go home. You know how he is right?" I said.

"Okay then, you talk to Aman and Bhaiya and I will prepare dinner," she told me before addressing her brother, "Okay Bhaiya"

"Okay my princess" He said smiling at her.


After dinner I spend the night in Kiran's room and didn't get a chance to get answers from her brother. Therefore, I decided to do that some other day and went back the next morning.

We couldn't meet for a couple of weeks afterwards because I needed to prepare for my semester end exams. Although we did talk to discuss about our plans on disclosing everything to Kiran after the exams as we had a couple days after I finish mine and before hers complete to plan things out.

However, it turned out that I can only stay back on the first day after my exams, because thereafter I had to leave to take care of an issue that came before our activist society. Therefore, I asked Him to plan it with Devarji and just let me know the details a day prior.

I hope everything turns out fine.


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