Chapter 23

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"Actually, only you can help." I replied smiling.

I told Mr. Suraj that I am a senior at my University and studying Masters in Law and am here to help Mr. Saxena with the issue. He seemed doubtful but agreed to lead me to the boss.

We reached the cabin and he knocked at the door in some codified manner and opened the door.

"How many times have I told you not to knock?" came his voice from behind the desk. He didn't even lift his head to look up from the loads of documents on his desk.

"You never told me that." I replied before the other person can and as soon as I did, his head snapped up. After a moment of shock, a surprised and happy smile stretched on his face as he left his desk to move towards me.

"Preeti!" he asked as he moved "What are you doing here?" he came to me and almost took me in a hug but stopped short in front of me. I guess he realised the presence of someone else in the room.

"Well, someone didn't sound too well on phone." I said and he gave me a confused face "A call picked but not answered can give away a lot Mr. Saxena." I added and realisation flashed on his face.

"Oh! It was you. I'm really sorry but I'm really messed up today," he said as he began to move back towards his desk. He was blabbering how he is stressed and all. Everything but the real problem. I understood it's because of the stress.

"Um thank you but you can leave now. I'll handle from here." I said to Mr. Suraj. "But can you please arrange for some coffee, Black, without milk and with one sugar only!" I asked again.

"Wow! That's exactly how Sir likes it!" he exclaimed slowly.

"And whom do you think I'm asking it for?" I asked smiling and realisation dawned upon him.

He nodded his head and left and I turned back to the man. He was back to silent and was again drowned in his stack of papers. A permanent frown etched on his face as he continued to read.

I moved forward and reached for his face. I cupped his face with one hand and made him look at me.

"You okay?" I asked concernedly to which he meekly nodded. "You need to rest for a while. Have you eaten?" I asked as I took his hand and began to move towards the set of couch in his office.

"I'm fine Preeti. I don't have time for rest." he said but didn't try to take away his hand. We reached the couch and I made him sit. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in Suraj," he ordered "and don't you dare knock again. It's giving me a headache." he exclaimed frustrated as Mr. Suraj entered with the coffee and some food!

He put them on the table and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sir hasn't eaten anything since morning. Not even a coffee. That's why he's having a headache. So, I thought ... maybe ... you could convince him to..." he said trailing and I smiled as I saw him giving the man an irritated look.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure he eats. Thank you." I said and Mr. Suraj left. I turned to him.

"So?" I gave him an angry look with a raised eyebrow and he sighed.

"I'm sorry. But this is really important." he said and I can see the sadness in his voice.

"Okay spill. Let's see what this matter exactly is." I said handing him his coffee, but instead of speaking or sipping his coffee, he continued to stare at me!

"What!" I asked feeling conscious.

"Why are you here? And what do you mean 'let's look into the matter'?" he asked and I smiled.

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