Chapter 4

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She put a hand on Bitto's shoulder and made us let go of each other. What affected me more was that as soon as Bitto let go of me, she hugged her!

"Kiran! Enough now, you are a big girl no! Then why are you behaving like a kid? See you wanted your Bhaiya to come over and he came, so be happy now." She is so sweet and friendly with Bitto and moreover, my Bitto listens to her. "Kiran look at me" she said making Bitto let go of her and continued cupping her face in her palms softly "You want your Bhaiya to worry about you when he's not around?" Bitto shook her head with a cute pout at her "Then! Now come on, stop crying like a baby and be a good big girl, Okay?" Again, Bitto nodded and I have no words to define what I'm feeling at the moment.

She called for water and made Bitto drink it. Then she patted her shoulder and had some silent conversation with her; then at Bitto's nod, she left. She left, just like that, without even sparing me single glance. It hurt, but as soon as I looked at Bitto...

"So finally you stopped huh!" I asked her matching her soft smile "You like to trouble me all the time, don't you!" I asked faking anger as I took a seat beside her.

"Sorry Bhaiya, but I missed you." I hugged her again at this and then asked her about her well-being. After a bit of chitchat and making her eat something, I tried to learn about her a bit.

"Umm Bitto!" she looked at me "That girl, she was the same president one from the other day no?" At this, she suddenly beamed and nodded frantically. But only when I eyed her with weird expression at her response, did she chose to elaborate.

"Bhaiya that's Preeti Di" she said pointing her out with her head and I finally got to know her name "And yes, she is the SP of SSL" Then she proceeded enthusiastically "Bhaiya you know, I would never have been able to stay away from you, had she not been there. She is just an angel Bhaiya. You know that day after you left I was so nervous" she said as if reliving that time with her words, her expressions changing accordingly "also Di was super angry. Then Cheenu Bhaiya made me sit in his cabin and also helped me with whatever knowledge he had. He told me that once Di will be done with the meeting, only then I'll be able to see the real her. Nevertheless, I was still so nervous; but when she came! Bhaiya, I couldn't believe she is the same girl who was shouting earlier. She was really sweet and helpful. She did all the paperwork herself and also gave me a thorough tour of University and Hostel. I still don't know how but we instantly clicked and when I moved in, she didn't only helped me arrange, but also adjust. She even ordered that no one should mess with me" She finished chuckling and I was yet more amused.

After a while, I felt Bitto dozing off so I moved to help her head on my shoulder. She slept while talking like she always do and I just sat there content at her content. I'm getting uncomfortable, but I don't have a heart to move her and disturb her sleep. My back is beginning to get stiff but I what can I do!

"Umm excuse me!" I looked up to find her looking at me with an amused smile on her face which made me feel good, but at the same time wonder if something's wrong with me!



In the short time that I spent with Kiran, I learnt a lot about him. He was the only thing that she ever talked about. He was not just her brother, but also her world. I was able to understand their bond as I share pretty much the same with Aman. Although I used to spend as much time as possible with her, I can see her need to see her brother. I didn't have much time to spend with her so I started to spend all my 'me time' with her. I gave her, as much attention as I used to give to Aman but the emptiness in her eyes couldn't be removed. Not having any other option, for the first time in my life, I interfered in the life of a student on personal level. Being the President had made me face many scenarios where I had to choose whether to interfere in some student's matter or not. I did a few times, but only at my professional level, only as much I was required to do being a president. Nevertheless, with Kiran I took a step over. I involved myself on a personal level and asked mother to call her brother to see her. I was expecting some questions from her, as it was a first for me to ask her such a favour for a student but was quite amused when Mother didn't question me. In fact, she said it was expected from Kiran to win everyone so easily, her being his sister! I was confused but decided against asking.

Then he came the very next day. Kiran cried a lot and I saw tears brimming in his eyes too. I didn't understand why, but I felt their pain at that moment and it made me interfere in between and console Kiran. I was aware of his eyes on me but didn't dare to look at him. I had no plans of interacting with him being aware that I won't be able to hide my uneasiness, but seeing his discomfort I decided otherwise. He was sitting while Kiran slept with her head on his shoulder. I'm sure he might be feeling uncomfortable by sitting in the same place and position for so long, but he was trying to hide his discomfort rather than moving Kiran. Maybe he didn't want to wake her up, but I felt somewhat uncomfortable seeing his discomfort. When I went near them, even though awkward, it was quite amusing to see him trying to get some relief without actually moving.

"Umm excuse me!" I said hesitantly. He looked up but didn't respond anything and kept staring for a while making me uneasy.

"Umm Hi!" He said at last coming back from wherever he went.

"Hello" I replied somewhat awkwardly too, but tried to keep the smile to make it less awkward.

"Umm you wanted to say something?" He asked

"Yeah, actually I just saw you sitting like this and it must be uncomfortable. So I was just suggesting that you should..." He cut me off before I can finish

"No. I mean, yes I'm uncomfortable but I don't have a heart to disturb her sleep. So it's okay, I'll wait for her to wake up". His reply made me smile before I continued.

"I understand. However, I wasn't asking you to wake her up. I know she is sleeping peacefully after a long while" I glanced at Kiran and felt the warmth spreading within on seeing her in peace. "I'm just suggesting that you can shift her to Cheenu Bhaiya's room for the time being!" I suggested.

"Oh, well okay" After he agreed, I helped him to move Kiran carefully and after he was able to lift her to take her to the room, I left without waiting any further to avoid any more awkwardness. I don't understand why it is so awkward around him, even though I can't deny the attraction.


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