Chapter 50

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Finally, the day is here. Everyone is here for the brunch and preparing for the upcoming guests. Devarji and Ammu are keeping Kiran busy with their useless gossip while Nandini is helping me with the food. Maa and Sandhya are downstairs, preparing for the engagements rituals, with my husband helping them. Rana couldn't make it for the brunch as there was some case due to which he cannot take the day off. We have prepared the food for the brunch already and now are just finishing preparations for the snacks we will need for the guests. Not only are Suraj's parents, but his sisters are also coming. Kiran has met them only in passing so she doesn't really know them, however, I have learnt from my husband that they are Kiran's strongest supporter in the house. They are so nice that they even said they won't mind if they will have to give up their rights on being the most loved child. They are twins and mostly think and act the same, just have different personalities. They are more or less treated the same way we treat Kiran, however, they are less spoilt since they had to share everything with each other from the very beginning. This is the reason Suraj didn't want them to give up any more of their rights to accommodate Kiran, which I can understand because if Kiran is our Princess, his sisters are his. Thus, today Kiran is going to meet them for the first time and not just as Suraj's sisters, but her own future sister-in laws.

After the brunch, I tell everyone to take some rest so that everyone is ready for the guests and the ceremonies afterwards. Although we can't tell this to Kiran, Ammu manage to convince her to watch some movie with him and she goes back to her room for the same.

We ladies just finished preparing snacks when I heard the horn and saw them coming in from the window. I tell everyone to freshen up, while I go to call my husband. I was about to enter the stair room when he came through.

"Suraj texted me that they are here" he told me.

"I know, I was coming to call you only" I tell him and we move to receive them.

After greeting them, I serve them with refreshments and leave them to have a chat while I go and call everyone for the meeting. After discussing everything with the whole family, we then finally call for Kiran. Since, we still want Kiran to hear it from them, I just go and tell her that Suraj is here to visit to which she quickly accompanies me. She is surprised to see his whole family and I see, as she turns conscious. She greets everyone and then after a few minutes of everyone talking casually to make her relax, she is finally back to being herself and is talking calmly with Suraj's sisters. Since, we see her all relaxed and calm, we decide to bring forth the alliance.

"Kiran" I call her softly, "Bitto Suraj's family is here to ask for your hand in marriage for him." I tell her when I have her attention. I see as she freezes for a moment before the red hues of blush starts to spread on her face as her eyes widens. She hesitantly looks at Suraj before looking at his family. She seems lost for words.

"It's okay beta, you can take your time to answer. Though we were hoping to get you both engaged today itself, but if you need time..." Suraj's mother trails off as she sees Kiran's eyes widen even more. She looks at me before looking at her brothers. Her brothers see her dilemma and offer a soft smile. However, when she continues to stare at them, He opens an arm and gestures her to go to him. She does and buries herself in his warmth. Devarji rubs a hand over her head to calm her down and soon she relaxes. Since she refuses to answer herself, her brother softly asks if she agrees and tells Suraj's family her answer. We rejoice as she agrees and soon we are preparing for the engagement. While we wait for the priest to arrive and get everything settled, I ask Devarji to take Kiran to her room. After she lefts, I gesture Ammu to take Suraj to her room so they can talk. We don't want our princess to feel more conscious than happy on her special day after all. Devarji and Ammu come back after a while and we continue with our work.

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