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What felt like hundreds of texts blew up my phone. Thousands of 'I'm sorry" covering my screen. Jess I could understand why she wouldn't tell me, but I still did not want to talk to her, or her slimy boyfriend. Chris on the other hand, why would he ask me if I was seeing anyone? Why did he tell me he was? Was it to rub it in my face? Fuck him, and fuck Seb, and fuck Jess.

I called Scott. Even though he kinda ambushed me, he wouldn't of known about Chris and this mystery woman.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" he exclaimed, his jaw hanging open in shock. "Those little bastards"

"Tell me about it" I sighed.

"I'm so sorry I ambushed you like that, I had absolutely no idea" he apologised sincerely.

"It's okay, if anything I'm glad I can rely on your honesty sometimes, even if I don't want to hear it" I admitted. That was the thing with Scott, he was brutally honest about everything, partly because he couldn't keep a secret for shit, and also because he had no filter. Which was magnified when he was drunk, meaning that I have had to save him from many graves that he had dug himself in over the years.

"Lisa will not be best pleased" he shook his head, "She is a Chris and Liv supporter forever"

"Oh you can't dob him in to Lisa" I giggled, knowing full well she wouldn't hesitate to throw a shoe at Chris if she saw him.

"Oh I will. Might get her to have a chat with Mr Stan as well" he raised his eyebrows in a very scolding manner, and I just giggled at him. "Are you okay though?"

"Yeah I'll be fine" I smiled softly. In reality I would be, as much as I didn't want to talk to Jess right now, we had overcome worse things for it to fall apart now. She knows way to much about me for me to stop being friends with her. Seb on the other hand, well he is in deep shit. And Chris is just Chris, there will always be love there no matter the circumstances and how much it hurts.

After talking to Scott for another hour we let each other go. I had no plans today, which allowed me to do what I haven't in what felt like a million years, go do some photography. I quickly hopped in the shower, taking ages wanting to feel clean of everything. I changed into a light, flowy summer dress and a pair of chunky white trainers before I headed out.

The warmth of the summer sun felt like absolute bliss on my skin. A soft breeze brushing through my hair. I decided a quick stop at Embers was what I needed. I pushed the door open, the bell gave a soft jingle. "Am I seeing things or is that Olivia returning from the dead!" Joe gasped, holding a hand over this chest in shock.

"Hello to you too" I smiled.

"How are you my darling?" he asked, returning to making coffee.

"I'm not too bad, how about you?" I walked up to the counter.

"I'm fabulous, what can I get ya?"

"The usual please Joe" I smiled.

"Frozen lemonade coming right up!". I walked down to the end of the counter and began to flick through the pre-existing photos on my camera, seeing if I could clear some space to take some pictures. I came across the photo's from when I took Chris here, roughly a year ago. A lot can happen in a year, the year before that I never thought I would speak to Chris again, let alone be in a relationship with him. I heard the tapping sound of a cup being placed down, I looked down at the counter and up toward Joe.

"Thank you" I grinned, taking a long sip from the straw. The taste of sickly sweet lemon filled my mouth, with a sour refreshing after taste. I smiled at the familiarity of the taste, my thoughts drifted back to when Chris licked it off my neck the last time we were here, causing my stomach to fill with butterflies. Walking out the heavy door, I was in my favourite place again. The soft tinker of the glass ornaments hung in the tree in the wind filled me with a feeling of nostalgia. There was almost a small whisper of the people sitting in the chairs scattered across the garden. I missed the life I had before all the complications happened, and the thought of that made me feel guilty. I did not regret anything over the past year, nor would I want a redo. If anything part of me wanted to go back and relive it all, all the excitement, the romance. But I knew it was too far gone, part of me knew that we would end up together, part of me hoped that. I loved him with every fibre in my body. But that heartbreak, it made it not worth it, it made me want to curl up in a ball and never experience love again. It was far too painful. I always believed that heartbreak was far too romanticised, it was never like how it was in the movies. They would cry, looking so beautiful whilst doing it, and after a week they would be over it, in fact they would all have happy endings. It was a daunting thought that I may not have a happy ending, its a thought no one wants to think of, it lives in the deep dark depths of the subconscious mind. As a child it sounded like the worst thing on the planet, not finding my own personal prince charming, but as I grew older, I found out that it wasn't all about having someone. I took pleasure in my own company, things I could accomplish on my own. The thought of being alone became less daunting. Some part of me found comfort in being alone. But that was of course until I got a taster of the happy ending I could experience. And since then, its all I've been able to think about. If anything, that thought completely consumed me.

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