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Preparations for the wedding had managed to work its way into every conversation to the point where I was beginning to dream about tableware and centrepieces. Jess had decided that she wanted me to sing the song for her first dance about two days before the wedding, changing her mind about the song at least five times. Everyone had been too busy with preparing, that Chris and I hadn't actually spoken about anything relating to us. It was kinda nice to be honest, we still saw each other mostly every day and it didn't feel complicated. Don't get me wrong it was still one whole big mess, but I could see the end of the tunnel rather than roaming around blindly unsure of what I wanted. But I knew what I wanted now.

"Everything is done, we have taken care of it all" I assured Jess. It was the night before the wedding and Jess was a nervous wreck. She'd worked herself up, convincing herself that nothing was ready when it was.

"You have a serious case of cold feet missy, and I'm afraid the only way to cure it is to get some fucking sleep!" I nagged, she rolled her eyes and stropped off upstairs to bed.

At 12:01 I was clearing up, making sure Jess make up and hair stuff was all set up and ready for when the makeup artist came over later in the morning. I heard a knock at the door, confused to who it was I walked over to the door cautiously. I peeped through the peep hole and saw Chris. Letting out a sigh of relief at the familiar face and not a serial killer, I opened the door. "Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"When you said 'he's not you' what did you mean?" he look frustrated.

"I meant he's not you, so I couldn't of married him" I moved out the way of the door to let Chris in. He walked straight past me and began pacing.

"So are you saying you would-" he begun before I cut him off. I grasped his face in my hands and stood on my tip toes to kiss him. He instantly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me as close as possible.

"Does that clear things up for you?" I whispered as we pulled away. Our faces were still just inches apart.

"Not really, maybe you should do it again?" he smirked, and I exhaled a laugh knowing that was going to be his reaction. I pulled his face closer to mine, connecting our lips with a gentle kiss. "I'm so in love with you Olivia"

"I know" I nodded, "We are gonna have to go so slow, I'm talking snail pace, if we even consider doing this again". I scanned his face for any indicator of what he was feeling, looking into those cerulean blue orbs there he was, the man I'd always loved, it was actually him and not the stranger I'd known the past few years.

"Can we still make out?" He asked with a dead straight face, it cracking into a goofy smile as soon as I starting laughing.

"Yes" I giggled, "But I'm serious, we need to go slow and we need to give it a bit of time"

"Yeah I understand that. I do kinda wanna rub it in Henry's face though, after I've punched it first of course" I raised my brow scoldingly and he rolled his eyes, "Okay fine"

"I love you too, you know that right?"

"No I think you will have to remind me?" He began to lean in to kiss me again when Jess called out.

"Go home Chris, me wedding is tomorrow and I need my maid of honour to actually be able to walk down the isle. Don't think I haven't heard what your like Christopher!". I blushed profusely at being exposed and Chris looked at me, just as embarrassed. We both giggled and she shouted again, "Goodnight Chris. Liv if you don't get you hot butt up here now I will come down there myself, and you don't want to deal with scary pregnant lady!"

"Goodnight Jess!" Chris called back, giving me one last short sweet kiss before leaving. I went upstairs to my room and saw Jess sat there upright, a scolding look on her face.

"Hi" I smiled timidly.

"Mhm" she hummed and laid down, I lifted the duvet up and climbed in next to her, smiling to myself. I was happy. Even if it took us long enough to finally reach this point, I was happy.

All I ask | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now