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Completely and utterly shaken by the dream I had, I decided that there was only one person I could call you would tell me the answers. "You had a sex dream about you,my brother and Superman!" Scott screeched, maybe it wasn't such I good idea to call him.

"Yes" I replied quietly, "I need you to forget that he is your brother for the moment because I need your help because I have to fucking clue what it means!" I whisper shouted. I was hiding in the bathroom from Henry, as I did not know to even begin to process this.

"Maybe you just wanna have a threesome with them?" Scott suggested, I could hear him cringe slightly.

"It can't be that, surely" I pleaded.

"Oh, oh, I've got it! What if its your subconscious telling you that your torn between the two of them"

"Well I already knew that, consciously!"

"Oh. Wait! Hold up! Your telling me your considering Chris!" Scott screeched, practically bursting my eardrum.

"No." I shot down, "Well I don't think I am. I'm engaged, to a man that loves me" It sounded less and less convincing the more times I told myself this.

"Uhuh. Well you know my opinion" He told me and I rolled my eyes, all Scott wanted was for me to be his sister in law.

"Right I've got to go" I ended the call as soon as I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom, a knock shortly followed.

"You okay?" Henry asked, sounding worried.

"I'm good!" I called out. Looking at myself in the mirror, I looked a right state. If it was even possible I looked half asleep but half like I'd drunk enough coffee to keep my awake forever.

"Okay" he didn't sound totally convinced but he chose not to address it, "I'm ordering Chinese, do you want the usual?"

"Please" I answered, I turned the tap on and left it running till it was ice cold. I splashed my face, hoping that it would wake me up enough to give some sort of solution to the dream. Or maybe I should just ignore the dream and blame it on the fact I was tired and horny. Yes, that's exactly what I was going to do.

Once the Chinese had arrived, we sat at the kitchen table eating it out of the containers. "I don't think I'll be able to make it to the wedding, I'm so sorry" Henry said casually whilst prodding at a sweet and sour chicken ball with his fork. He'd been acting off since the after party, not quite looking me in the eye when he was talking to me, I'd written it off as him just being hungover but there was no way he was still feeling that ill. I was worried that he was annoyed at me for leaving early, but he seemed understanding about it. I also thought that it could just be me being paranoid because I saw Chris earlier but I had an uneasy feeling that I couldn't quite place my finger on.

"Oh" I answered, looking down at the container in front of me, "Why?"

"Something came up with filming, they need me to go in to re shoot a scene" he told me, but I didn't believe one word of it, there was definitely something he wasn't telling me but I chose to ignore it.


Two weeks flew by, and the pressure for the wedding was on. Jess's wedding dress hung in its bag on my wardrobe door, next to the emerald silk dress I would be wearing as maid of honour. Henry was back in London 'filming', he was definitely up to something I just didn't have the energy to investigate it. As there was less than a week till the wedding, Jess had temporarily moved in so her and Seb would actually be able to get married and not kill each other before the ceremony. These pregnancy hormones had her moods swinging around like a crazy person. She was 6 weeks pregnant and insisting that she was fat. In fact she was desperate for me to tell her she looked fat, even going to extraordinary lengths to get me to say it. However I refused to do so, her waist was still tiny as ever.

"I'm not eating that" Jess repulsed at my cooking.

"Jess it's ramen, you love ramen" I tried to reason.

"Nope I hate it, it smells disgusting" she gagged.

"Oh for fuck sake" I rolled my eyes, "Go sit in the living room" I commanded at her and starting cooking something different that she wouldn't complain about. My phone was buzzing wildly on the counter but my hands were full so I couldn't pick it up. Jess came rushing back in, looking so pissed that it that moment I honestly wouldn't be surprised if smoke came out her ears.

"I'm so sorry Liv but you need to see this" she winced. I furrowed my brows confused as to what the fuck was going on. Turning her phone around for me to see, my mouth dropped open. It was a picture of my fiancée kissing someone, someone who I could see was not me. I dropped the pan I was carrying down onto the worktop and took her phone. I scrolled through the article and there it was, the reason Henry was acting so weird, he was cheating on me. I was so surprised at the relief I felt. Exhaling a laugh, my eyes teared up. "I'm so sorry you don't deserve this" Jess pulled me into a hug, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I don't have to marry him" I choked out a sob of relief.

"No you don't" she chuckled, pulling away I began to laugh along with her.

"If I tell you this you can't tell anyone" I held up my pinky.

"Pinky swear" she answered in a hushed tone.

"I don't think I ever wanted to marry Henry" I whispered, finally being able to admit the words out loud.

"I don't think you did either" she whispered back, "He's not Chris" she smiled softly.

"No he isn't" I sighed, knowing that I couldn't hide from it now.

~taa daaa~

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