Bonus chapter

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It's been a while....


"What do you mean he's broken his collar bone?!" I yelled down the phone, taking a quick glance at the alarm clock sat on my bedside table reading 02:43AM.

"He was doing a stunt and it went wrong and he started screaming. The medical team have rushed him to hospital, it looks bad Liv" Anthony informs me, I felt my heart drop at the word hospital. Not thinking twice, I began throwing on any clothing I could find and rushing out the front door. Chris had been filming Avengers Endgame and had this ridiculous stunt that I was already worried about before picking up the phone.

"I'll meet you at the hospital, I'll be there as quick as I can" I blurted out before hanging up. I made it about three feet before I could hear the evil cackles of men stood beside the front door. I shot round and saw Chris stood there, clutching onto his chest absolutely wetting himself, phone in hand, completely unharmed. Beside him was Anthony who was crying with laughter equally as much. Chris took two steps towards me before my face dropped and I scowled at him. This only seemed to make him laugh harder. Ever since the beginning of filming, him and Anthony had been playing pranks on everyone, especially me whenever I was on set. They started off little, like they put a whoopie cushion on my chair, everyone laughed and it was harmless. Never in a million years did I think that they would go this far. Receiving a phone call telling me that Chris was seriously hurt scared me deeply, it was not the first phone call I received informing me of bad news. I was pissed.

So I did the only thing I knew that would drive Chris absolutely mental. "Fine, no sex." I stated plainly with a calm and collected voice before walking back in through the front door. I could hear Anthony's low chuckle and Chris blaming him for coming up with the prank.

Taking off the clothes I rushed to put on 5 minutes ago, I got back into bed. Chris sulking footsteps echoed through the house. The bedroom door opened slightly and the slither of light that shone through the curtains exposed a very solemn Chris with his head bowed. Slipping his shoes off and undressing he climbed into the empty space beside me. Attempting to sneak his arm across my waist, I resisted. "Olivia" he whined.

"No" I shot back, he got closer to my back, his chest radiating a comforting warmth. He brushed my long curls off my shoulder and began pressing kisses along my shoulder and neck. I could feel the warm heat beginning to pool between my legs.

"You can't resist having sex with me Olivia" he whispered into my ear, "look at how your body is reacting to me" his words sending goose bumps across my skin.

I turned so my face was facing his, my lips getting so close to his that they almost brushed against each other. I could see his cerulean orbs darken with lust before I uttered the words, "Your not having sex with me for a long, long time", pressing a short kiss to his lips I turned back around, placing my head on the pillow. I let out a satisfied sigh, feeling rather proud of myself, leaving Chris in a state of shock.


The next few days I decided to get pay back. I phoned Jess the morning after that night and we conducted operation torture Chris Evans.

Day 1:

It was a hot day and the tensions were already high. I waltzed into the kitchen wearing one of Chris t-shirts and a pair of red lacy underwear, swaying my hips to the music I'd put on. Leaning forward and resting my arms on the cool marble worktop counter I began to scroll through my phone. The front door opened and Chris walked in, flicking through the mail. I felt his gaze land on me. Still not looking up from my phone screen, I could hear his footsteps get closer. A low groan escaped his lips as his eyes locked onto the red underwear. Placing a hand on my hip, he placed the mail down on the counter. His hand didn't leave my hip, instead he placed the other hand on my other hip, stepping closely behind me. I pressed my behind against the hard outline in his jeans, resulting in him letting out another low moan. And then I moved away, walking out of the kitchen. Leaving him stood there stunned.

Day 2:

My damp hair clung to my exposed back as I left the bathroom, holding the white towel loosely to my body. Chris was perched on the edge of our bed, flicking through his emails. I dropped the towel onto the floor, the soft thud making him look up. His eyes widened at the sight of my naked body. Almost out of instinct he reached out to try touch me, his face dropping when I stepped away pretending to be oblivious, when in reality I knew exactly what I was doing. Standing in front of the large mirror in our room, I began to rub moisturiser into my face. Sneaking peaks at Chris through the mirror. My brows furrowed when I realised I no longer had his captivated eyes set on me. Feeling slightly disheartened I walked back into the bathroom and re-entered the room with my black silky robe on. I slumped down onto the bed, not caring that my wet hair was most likely going to soak the pillow. "You done with the bathroom?" he questioned, looking over his shoulder at me. I gave him a short nod and he pushed himself up off the bed. Walking into the bathroom, I heard the shower turn on.

About 15 minutes later he walked into the room. I looked up from the book I was engrossed in and saw him. A white towel hung dangerously low on his hips. The deep v extremely prominent. My heart skipped a beat as I watched a bead of water make its way down his chest to his abs, suddenly becoming extremely jealous of a water droplet. I glanced back up at his face and I saw the smug grin slapped on there. I knew exactly what this mother fucker was doing. And my god he was doing it well.

Day 3:

I decided that I needed to skip a couple of steps in the plan and go all out. I needed the ultimate revenge after last night.

Today I knew that Chris had a virtual interview talking about his new movie. He disappeared downstairs into the living room where he set it up a good 10 minutes ago. This was perfect for my plan. I changed into the skimpiest bikini I owned, which was far too small, barely covering any of my modesty. Feeling satisfied, I placed my sunglasses on the top of my head and walked downstairs. I strolled past Chris doing his interview, making sure I was hidden safely out of sight of the camera. His eyes glued onto my barely covered body, his brows furrowing with frustration. Tip toeing into the kitchen, I opened the freezer door and took an ice lolly out. Slipping out of the sliding door and into the area around the pool. I sat down on the sun lounger, pulling the sun glasses off my head and onto my face to shade my eyes from the sun. Laying back onto the perfectly articulated placed sun lounger I began liking my ice lolly. Knowing without even looking that Chris eyes were trained on me. I continued to lick and suck on the ice lolly, watching his reactions as I did so. The ice lolly began to melt in the unbearable heat and a drop fell onto my chest. Making its way down my cleavage, I lifted my hand and slowly wiped it up with my index finger and brought it up to my mouth to lick. I watched Chris physically halt.

About 5 minutes later, I could hear Chris interview coming to an end. He slammed the laptop shut and stormed out the door and towards where I was laying down. His figure blocked the sun, creating shade over me. "How was the interview?" I asked innocently as I could practically see the smoke blowing out his ears. He glared down at me.

"Are you done now?" he questioned angrily.

"Done with what?" I tilted my head obliviously.

"Are you done torturing me?" he bent down slightly as I pushed the sunglasses down the bridge of my nose.

"Well have you learnt your lesson?" I asked in a teasing manner.

"Yes" he muttered. I stood up from the lounger, wrapping my arms around his neck. Going onto my tip toes, I pressed a kiss to his pouting lips.

"Good" I muttered, "Don't prank your wife ever again!". Within seconds, his arms wrapped around my waist, yanking me up into the air. He reconnected our lips with urgency. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling his hardening length pressed to the place I needed it most. Without putting me down, he took the both of us back inside.

~ Well... Ive had this chapter in my head for a while, and I loved writing it. I have definitely missed Liv and Chris. Hope you enjoyed x~

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