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I had always loved airports. I had always spent a lot of time in them. Me and my dad had developed this game, we would always arrive early for our flight, and sit at the gate, looking at all the people getting on and off the planes. We would guess where they came from, who they were, what they would do, where they were going. We would create these whole stories about each and every person. It was always some of the favourite moments I would spend with my dad. But since being with Chris all I felt was paranoia at airports with him. Paranoid about fans and paparazzi. I had to constantly remind myself that no one knows who I am, no one was watching me. I could relax now, because I wasn't with him, no one is going to come looking for me, and I can play my game in peace.

It was an emotional drop off, even my dad teared up. It's not like he was never gonna see me again. But we both knew that I was going to be different when I came back. It was emotional because I was going to let go of the past and start afresh. "Say hi to the old bag for me" Dad chuckled fondly.

"I will" I giggled. He helped me take the suitcase and my carry on out the boot and handed it to me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and thanked him. Getting my passport and boarding pass out ready, I walked through the automatic doors.

Due to the earliness of the flight, I was able to get through security quickly and had sometime to myself. I wandered around aimlessly in duty free. Got myself a coffee and a croissant, and people watched for a while.

Finally it was time for me to go to the gate and board the plane. I found my seat and for the first time in a while, I wasn't thinking of Chris, or the drama with Seb, or worried about my friendship with Jess. I had time to think about myself, and what I wanted. I wanted to go on Brighton Pier, eat the greasy donuts and go on the rides till the point I was going to throw up. I wanted to walk around the old lanes and look in the windows of the vintage jewellery shops, picking out the rings I would wear. And I wanted to eat ice cream on the beach, my favourite thing to do as a kid.

The pilot announced take off. I lifted my window up, glancing out on the fluffy white clouds. I honestly felt like I was Peter Pan, balancing on the soft pillows of the sky.


After what felt like days, even though it was only a matter of hours, the pilot announced our landing of the plane shortly.

I stepped off the plane and the first thing I noticed was how considerably cooler the English weather was. It was around 9pm by the time we had landed and the sun was setting. Getting through customs was another mission. It took forever. Once I had finally got through to the other side, I noticed a little old lady with long hair chucked up in a bun with what I made out to be chopsticks. I wandered up to her and she pulled me into a hug. "Hi Grandma" I exhaled.

"Hello my gorgeous girl" She pushed me back slightly to get a good look at me, holding her hands either side of my face. "You are just so beautiful" She pinched my cheeks and linked my arm through hers to guide us out of the airport. Wrapping her chunky knit cardigan around her body tightly, she began to quiz me on my life. "How's my boy doing after his accident?"

"Dad's fine, he told me to say hi" I answered and she nodded in a satisfactory manner and continued with the questions.

"You know, honey, I saw you on the news with that Sergeant America actor fella."

"Captain America?" I giggled.

"Yeah that's the one" we stopped and Grandma began to ruffle through her purple handbag to dig out her car keys. Once she finally got them out, she unlocked the little red mini cooper sat in front of us. As soon as she started the car Janis Joplin blasted through the speakers.

"We got a whole car journey ahead of us so you can fill me in on that dickhead" she tutted, making me chuckle at her bluntness.

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