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The time for them to go back to New York. "Please come back soon!" Scott cried.

"Not just yet" I replied, looking over Scott's shoulder at Seb who gave me a knowing look.

"Ugh I'm gonna miss you" Jess grabbed me off of Scott as if I was a toy, and hugged me.

"I'm not dying" I protested, tapping her back. She finally let go of me and I got to say goodbye to Seb. I gave him a wink and he winked back at me.

"Okay bye, I love you all" I called out, blowing a big kiss at them. They dragged their suitcases along the floor towards the baggage area.

I got back in my car, just as I was about to plug my phone into the AUX it started ringing. "Fuck sake" I groaned as I saw Chris contact number flash up. "What do you want?" I questioned impatiently.

"Hello to you too sunshine" He answered sarcastically.

"What do you want?" I repeated.

"I'm still in London, I'm getting on a train to come see you now" he stated.

"Well your not" I shot back.

"Well I am, I'm already on the train" he replied in the sane tone as mine. I rolled my eyes, "Don't roll your eyes at me" he scolded.

"I did not!" I protested.

"You so did. You forget how well I know you. I bet that right now, you are chewing on the inside of your cheek" he predicted as I was chewing my cheek.

"I hate you" I spat, and I heard him chuckle in amusement.

"No you don't. I'll see you in a couple hours" he remarked then hung up. I groaned to myself, putting my hand on my forehead in irritation. I steamed all the way home, pissed off at his arrogance.

Once I finally got back to Grandma's, I stropped my way into the upstairs living room to where she was sat. "What's wrong with you?" she asked, looking up from her magazine, "You've got a face like a smacked arse". I flopped down next to her and she patted my knee.

"Chris has invited himself over, he called me after I dropped the guys off at the airport" I sighed.

"Ahh. What does Henry have to say about it?" she cocked a brow, pulling her glasses further down the bridge of her nose.

"He doesn't know" I winced, almost as if the words I was saying were hurting me.

"Your playing with fire" she warned, "Chris is in love with you and Henry knows it, and I think he knows your feelings toward Chris as well"

"I don't want to be with Chris though" I protested.

"I think your heart says different sweetheart" she smiled sympathetically.

"Henry is good for me" I assured myself.

"He is but you can't deny what your heart wants forever" she held onto my hand, "I'm afraid it doesn't work that way"

"I know" I exhaled.

"I think you should hear him out, then make a decision. I don't like the way that boy has treated you in the past but I've also seen the way he looks at you" giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Okay" I nodded. I knew how this was going to end, it was the same excuses every time. He would tell me he loves me and he's sorry, then he would fuck up AGAIN. I loved him, of course I loved him but I wasn't allowed to anymore, he would never change and I'd given up on trying as soon as I booked that ticket to England. Or had I? Yes I had, I was with Henry now and not even thinking about Chris.

All I ask | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now