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Maybe we were moving to fast but that night it didn't matter. We were happy and in love.

I woke up the next morning to Chris brushing the hair of my neck and peppering loving kisses across my shoulder up to my neck. Turning over, I could see his face in the raw sunlight. Those ocean blue orbits looked a little lighter, I noticed specs of brown and glints of green. Chris had happy eyes. Even if he was in the foulest mood imaginable, his eyes still reflected happiness. Looking away from his eyes, I marvelled at his other features. He'd always had a strong nose, I brought my hand up to his face and lightly traced the small scar that was on the bridge of his nose. He'd had it for as long as I could remember. My fingertips wandered down to his beard, it had grown out considerably since when he was clean shaven. I'd always admired how he was able to pull off clean shaven and a beard. My touch lingered on his cheeks for a moment longer before tracing the shape of his cupids bow. I could feel his gaze on me as I brushed over them with my thumb, waiting in anticipation as to what I'd do next. My eyes flickered from his lips back up to his eyes and he smiled at me with those joyous eyes. These moments were the ones I treasured most. Fewer words needed to be exchanged but we still spoke through our movements and touches. Our limbs remained tangled together for the entirety of the morning, between the soft white sheets. We only got up to shower the sticky sweat of the night before off at around 12PM. The wedding guests were all staying at the same hotel and it had been arranged that we all met for brunch/lunch.

"One more time" Chris begged as his hands wandered down my wet body.

"I'm so sore" I placed both my hands on his chest, looking up at him. A drop of water was hanging onto the tip of his nose, I reached up to wipe it off.

"I'll go easy on you baby, I promise" he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips to prove it. While he kissed me, his hand had trailed from my hip down to the spot that he had made so sore. I inhaled a sharp breath as his thumb brushed over my clit, jolts of electricity shot throughout my body. A warmth began to pool between my legs, slowly giving in to my own desire. I took a hold of his dick in my hand, softly pumping it as he let out a soft moan against my lips. His hand moved from between my legs to just under my knee, bringing it up so I could hook it around his hip. I began to line him up to my entrance, and he pushed himself into me slowly. I let out a gasp at how sore I was from the previous night, and he connected our lips. At this point I had my back to the tiled wall as hot water washed over the both of us. He pumped inside me slowly, being careful not to hurt me as he did so. In the end we both got way to into it and I forgot that I wouldn't be able to walk by the end of it and practically begged him to fuck me. He smiled smugly against my lips and increased his thrusting pace. I moaned out at the feeling of him filling me up. My nails dug into the back of his shoulders, overwhelmed by the mixture of pleasure and pain I was feeling. This only drove Chris wild and he scooped my other leg up, holding me up completely. My legs wrapped around his waist, I held onto him tightly as his hands grasped onto my ass, thrusting himself into me. Orgasmic bliss washed over the both of us and he put me back down. I turned my back from him to reach of some Shampoo and he pressed a kiss to my shoulder and took the bottle from my hand. He squeezed out a dollop of shampoo and began massaging it into my scalp.

Taking a longer time in the shower than we'd intended to, we had to rush around getting ready to meet everyone for lunch. I stepped into my black jeans and slid a jumper over my head. Luckily Jess had treated us both to lash extensions before the wedding so I only had to comb through those with a little spooly and brush some clear gel through my brows. Chris was scrolling through his phone by the time I was ready and had my shoes on.

We bumped into a very hungover Anthony in the elevator on the way down, he was too busy talking about what a great time he had last night to notice that we had come from the same room.

The three of us made it to the dining room. Everyone was already there, including Jess who was looking at me with a raised brow and a very smug grin. Oh fuck, she knows.

All I ask | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now