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Golden rays danced through the gaps in the curtains, highlighting the dust particles dancing around. I snuggled into my duvet, blissfully feeling the warmth. There was a light knock at the door and then the door opened shortly after. "I brought you a cuppa up darling" Grandma smiled as she placed the mug down and stroked my cheek. "How was your first night?"

"It was really good actually, I haven't slept that well in a while" I answered honestly.

"Good, I'm glad. How about you finish that tea in bed, get ready and we will go have a wonder around town? How does that sound?" she asked.

"That sounds perfect" I smiled. She gave me a quick kiss on the head and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Today everything felt different. I was in a different place, away from everything and I actually had some space without suffocating in my own thoughts. Other than letting my dad know I'd arrived I had hardly been on my phone. I didn't feel the need to. Usually I felt glued to it, hoping for anything but radio silence, but I took myself by surprise and was actually enjoying it. I changed into a pair of blue mom jeans and a simple white top with a pair of converse. Walking down the stairs, I could smell toast. One of my favourite smells, especially in the morning. "Here darling, eat this quick and we will head out" grandma handed me a slice of buttered toast which I quickly wolfed down, not realising quite how hungry I was. I wiped the crumbs from my face and we walked out the front door.

Grandma had always lived in a gorgeous seaside house between Brighton and Hove. From what I can remember when I was younger, I used to love the balcony overlooking the sea. It was one of my favourite views, especially in the summer, the seagulls would squawk and there was a gentle breeze that would brush over the whole of Brighton.

It was a reasonably busy day, the pebbled beach was completely packed full of children enjoying their summer holidays. The smell of weed was rather pungent on the beach also, but that was always common on Brighton beach and no one seemed to mind.

We wandered around the old lanes for a while. "Bloody Marianne was nagging on at me that you had to meet her son, he's only a couple years older than you" She smiled, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I rolled my eyes at her and turned away to look into the shop window. "You know, I think she happened to mention that he's in the country at the minute, he is always jetting off to different places with his fancy job" She nudged me.

"Stop trying to set me up Grandma" I giggled.

"I'm not!" she protested, "I do hear he is incredibly handsome though, his name is Henry" I shot her a glare and she stopped. "Anyway after what you have told me about whats his face, you should let me pick your suitors from now on"

I giggled at her, choosing not to reply and kept browsing. "I'm gonna go in" I say, pointing at the shop door. We had managed to find our way to the new lanes in Brighton and we were stood outside of a herbal shop, selling home remedies, candles and crystals. Grandma waved her hand at me, distracted by a table of rings and told me she would catch up with me later. The shop smelt strongly of incense and various different herbs. I picked up some reiki candles and headed to the counter where all the crystals were sat. I picked a few up and headed over to pay. The lady behind the till explained the different usage of each crystal as she wrapped them up.

Grandma was waiting outside when I left. She had a very mischievous look smacked across her face. "What have you done?" I questioned suspiciously whilst narrowing my eyes.

"I don't know what you talking about" She shrugged casually. "But now that you mention it, Marianne told me that Henry was thinking of coming down to Brighton for the day next week. So I said, seeing as your in our area why don't they come over for lunch"

"Of course you did" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at your grandmother!" she grinned whilst linking her arm through mine.

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