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Climbing into the drivers seat of the Mini, I plugged my phone into the AUX and began playing music. I was still getting used to driving on the left hand side of the road, which is actually quite scary when there is cars coming at you on the other side.

I still managed to get to the airport with a couple minutes to spare before their flight landed though. It had been just over two weeks since mine and Henry's date in London. Pictures had been leaked to the press of course, pictures of us holding hands around Harrods. In all honesty I was expecting more backlash it was weird, maybe it's just because I wasn't going looking for the hate, I wasn't looking for my own insecurities written plainly in text. It was a refreshing feeling, it still felt new and exciting. Since our date in London we had only seen each other once in person due to his busy filming schedule. He'd promised me he would come stay in Brighton for a couple of days while Scott and Jess were her to meet them. I was too busy scrolling through my phone to notice Scott come up behind me and tap my shoulder. I spun round, ready to attack whoever just touched me when I realised it was Scott. I jumped up, throwing my arms around him. "HI!" I squealed, "I missed you!"

"I missed you too Livvy Lou!" he rhymed, finally hugging me back. "Although, I do have to warn you..." he began saying, his expression looked as if someone had just smacked him. Before he finished his sentence I saw exactly what he was wincing about telling me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I whisper shouted, trying not to draw attention. I saw Jess and Seb walking towards me, Jess looked anxiously at me and Seb looked like he was shitting a wasp nest.

"They ambushed me as well!" Scott protested, holding his hands up to prove his innocence. I looked from Scott to Jess and from Jess to Sebastian, my eyebrow raised, armed and ready.

"I-" Seb began saying.

"Uh" I cut him off, "I'm not talking to you" I snatched Jess' hand and pulled her out of earshot of the two men. "Care to explain?"

"I want you two to make up. Your my best friend, my twin flame, basically my soulmate and he's my boyfriend who I kinda love a little bit. So I need you to like him again" She demanded, "If it makes you feel any better, Chris broke it off with that girl and she practically forced Seb to set her up with Chris"

"No I don't care, I've got superman now" I stated flatly, soon regretting what I stupidly said. "But if Sebastian says sorry for being a squidward saggy dickface and lets me make fun of him relentlessly for all eternity without saying one nasty thing back then I might consider looking at him again"

"Okay, I'll pass the message on" she nodded. Scott walked over to me, leaving Sebastian standing there looking stupid which made me feel a little bit better. Jess walked back over to Seb and I could see the interaction between them both. It looked like a mother telling off her son, he tried to protest but she barked back, giving him the classic 'don't fuck with me' Jessica look before he caved. The two walked back over, Seb dragging both their luggage.

"Olivia Rose, I'm so, so sorry for being-" he sighed, "For being a squidward saggy dick face". Scott snickered beside me, while I tried to keep a straight face.

"Apology accepted" I said, sticking my hand out for him to shake. His face relaxed with relief and he pushed my hand out the way and grabbed me, bear hug style. "I still don't like you that much" I grimaced, tapping his back.

"Love you too Livvy lou" he kissed my cheek.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Grandma will wanna see you"

"Oh my god I finally get to meet the famous Grandma Rosie" Jess squealed excitedly, "Also-" she begun before flinging herself at me, "Hi. I missed you!"

"I missed you too" I giggled, hugging her back, "Right come on, the air con in here is making me freeze my tits off!"

We all piled into the car, I was surprised that we all actually fit in this tiny car. It took me roughly 45 minutes give or take to drive us back to Grandma's. The sun had set by the time we'd arrived and it had cooled down quite a bit. The little red door practically flung open as Jess and Scott raced to the front door to see my Grandma. Jess had managed to beat Scott by 1 second and I'm convinced its because she kicked his ankle. I helped Sebastian unload the car and take the suitcases. "I brought her a ring" he looked lovingly towards his vicious, scary girlfriend who stood eagerly at the door.

"I figured you would sooner or later" I answered, "I always knew you two were going to get together at some point"

"Did you now?" he cocked his brow.

"Yup. I'm psychic" I nodded knowingly, tapping my index to my temple.

"Oh I forgot about that" he smiled.

"When you gonna pop the question?" I asked as we watched the front door open and the two of them practically throw themselves at the poor old lady.

"I wanted to get best friend approval. You and Papa Rose are her family you know that"

"I know. Well you've got a week to earn it!" I tapped him on the back.

"I- Er" he paused, scratching the back of his head, "I already asked your dad as well"

"You asked Dad to propose to his basically adopted daughter? That is so cute! You still gotta earn it though mate" I told him before dragging Scott's unusually heavy suitcase to the door.

"Hi Grandma" I smiled and she gave me a kiss on the cheek, "This is Sebastian. I would of warned you he was coming but I didn't know" I nodded behind me to Seb.

"Oh aren't you just the handsomest!" Grandma clapped. She grabbed his face in her wrinkly hands and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Hands off Grandma Rosie! That's my man!" I could hear Jess shout from the other room.

"The more the merrier" Grandma grinned, shutting the door behind us.

All I ask | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now