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"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The pastor asked. I watched as Seb's eyes filled up with tears.

"I do" Jess smiled widely.

"And do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Seb grinned back.

"By the power invested in me and the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride". The whole crowd cheered and whistled as Seb placed a hand on Jess waist and leant her back, pressing a big kiss to her lips just like in the movies. It was a reasonably sized ceremony in a beautiful rustic church. Yes it was freezing because it was an old church and they didn't have any heating. But once we were past the point of hypothermia, the ceremony was beautiful. We were actually quite lucky with the weather, it was a gorgeous clear, sunny winter day. Jess, of course, was glammed up to the gods and looked absolutely unreal. Her ivory dress clung to her petit figure in all the right places and flowed out beautifully into a chiffon skirt just below the bum. The make up artist had done her makeup to compliment her faun complexation, and her hair was up in a low messy bun. She was the perfect radiant bride. Dad and I cried when we saw her, making her cry, she tried to blame it on the pregnancy hormones but we always knew she was a big softie.

Once Seb had placed her back firmly on her feet, she looked at me with pure joy. I had tears in my eyes as I smiled back at her. Someone else then caught my attention, his ocean blue orbs made contact with my hazels. We shared a look of bliss. Everything felt good at the moment, it was almost too good to be true. He looked ever so handsome, he wore a grey suit with a white shirt, his tie and his pocket square matched the colour of the emerald green bridesmaid dresses. I watched as his eyes trailed across my body. To be fair to Jess, she picked out some amazing dresses, my dress was a calf length silk cowl neck dress with spaghetti straps. Lila and Rylee had similar dresses, both the same colour but personalised to each of their tastes. Jess had insisted that we all had our hair and makeup done, she let us choose our own hairstyles and makeup as long as they didn't take away the focus on her, which would be impossible. I chose to have my hair down and curled into sleek shiny waves.

The happy couple walked down the isle, I watched them turn into the bridal suit. Chase offered me his arm as the best man and I gladly took it. "I thought I was going to start blubbering at one point" I chuckled at his comment as we walked down the isle. Chris and Lila, Anthony and Rylee shortly followed.

"Now it's time to get drunk" I whispered excitedly, and Chase fist bumped the air.

The reception was taking place just down the road in a grand hall. It was getting close to 4pm and beginning to get dark by the time we arrived at the hall. Strings of fairy lights hung from the ceiling and tables decorated with candles lined the outside of the room. In the middle was a white dance floor with a stage in front of that. The band had started playing music while the guests were coming in. As the bridal party, Chase and I were stuck on the door greeting people while the rest were inside.

"Hi Poppet" Dad smiled, bending down to kiss my cheek, his eyes looked glossed over with tears but he had a rosy complexation to indicate he had been on the booze.

"Hi Pops" I smiled back, "You remember Sebby's friend Chase" I watched him look at Chase and recognise him before he pulled him into a drunken bear hug.

"My son!" He exclaimed, Chase displayed a face of surprise at the sudden interaction but hugged him back after it had subsided.

"Go inside dad and drink coffee, you have a father of the bride speech to tell" I raised a warning finger at him and he retreated inside.

After we'd greeted all the guests, Chris came to get me to bring me to the crowd welcoming Seb and Jess. Placing his hand on my lower back, he led me to the dance floor where everyone was stood waiting for them, I sent Scott a small wave and he looked between me and Chris in confusion. The doors opened, loud cheers and whistles echoed around to room as they waltzed in. Jess had changed into a different white dress, this one a little easier to dance in, Seb had loosened his tie and undone his blazer buttons. The lead singer of the band gave me a signal to come up on stage, I glanced up at Chris and he kissed me softly, careful not to smudge my make up and let me go up on stage.

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