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It was the morning I was due to go to London. I desperately facetimed Scott, trying to get his help on what to wear. "Well do you know where he is taking you?" he asked.

"No, he won't tell me. His exact words were 'wear something comfy', that tells me absolutely nothing!" I ran my fingers through my hair, stressing out.

"Okay, lets see what we can work with. 'Comfy', is it gonna be hot today?" He began fumbling around in the background.

"Yes its gonna be hot hot. What about a summer dress?" I suggest.

"Wear that green dress, you looked hot in that!" a voice called out on the other line, I felt my heart drop as I knew that voice from a mile away.

"Chris" I acknowledged.

"Sorry, I told him to be quiet" Scott winced, looking apologetic.

"Hi Liv. You out on a date today?" Chris asked, he still wasn't visible on the facetime.

"Yup" I answered, putting emphasis on the 'P'.

"Have fun" he replied bluntly.

"Can I talk to you Scott? Alone" I raised my brow.

"Yes. Sorry" Scott lowered his head. I could hear his footsteps as he walked into another room. "Sorry, sorry, sorry" he repeated.

"It's fine. It's not your fault your brother is an immature prick" I curtly replied.

"Okay, moving on. Let me see your options?". I turned the camera around to the outfits I had laid out on my bed. "Black bodycon t-shirt dress, chunky trainers and a black cropped denim jacket. Have your curls down and wear gold jewellery"

"Your a genius! Right I will love and leave you" I exclaimed.

"Have fun, tell me all about it later!" he replied before hanging up.

An hour later and I was on the train. I hadn't felt this nervous for a date in years. With Chris I would get butterflies but I always felt at ease with him. Henry was this new, exciting thing. But it was fucking scary. It was scary going into this blindly again. Before I had time to start full on panicking, the platform was announced via the train conductor. I took my train ticket out of my purse, and stepped off the train.

I could see Henry on the other side of the barrier. Butterflies swarmed around in my stomach at the sight of him. He had a tight white t-shirt on and dark blue jeans, he looked good. Very very good. I walked towards him. "You look beautiful darling" he complimented, bending down to hug me.

"So do you- I mean you look handsome" I stuttered, he chuckled at me.

"How was the journey?" he asked, placing his hand on my lower back to guide me.

"Not too bad" I answered. "Whats the plan for today?"

"Well, I planned a whole day for us." he smiled, looking down at me.

"And I'm guessing it's a surprise?" I raised my brow, he nodded in response. "Not even a little clue?"

"Nope, sorry darling" he led me out of the station and into the busy streets of London. Calling over a black taxi, we both got in. There was small talk between us and the taxi driver, he recognised Henry and proceeded to tell him how much of a fan he was. It was a sweet interaction.

Once we'd finally arrived, he paid the taxi driver and we got out. "Where are we?" I questioned curiously, "Oh my god are you going to murder me?"

"No" he chuckled, holding his hand over his chest. I looked at him with horror on my face as we walked down a small scary alleyway. Placing his hand on my cheek he pressed a light kiss to my lips. "I promise I'm not going to kill you". We continued down the alleyway, I slipped my hand into his and he squeezed it lightly.

We walked onto a small dock along a canal. Rows of little boats lined the dock. Ranging in colour and size. "An old friend of mine owns one of these little boats, I thought you might like to go on a little trip down the canal" he pointed at a little blue boat, decorated in colourful flowers.

"I would love to!" I grinned, leaning up on my tip toes I kissed him. His hand instantly found my hip and drew me in closer to deepen the kiss. I was left slightly light headed from the kiss once we pulled away.

Henry spent the last 10 minutes wetting himself with laughter at the fact I almost fell in the river whilst trying to get in the boat. Every time he would look at me he would start cracking up again. And the fact he was laughing set me off giggling. He dug around in a cooler bag and produced two bottles of beer. "Thank you" I took the beer from his hand.

"Fuck I didn't bring a bottle opener" he cursed.

"It's all good I can open them. I'll let you in on my party trick" I took his beer and lifted it up to my mouth, cracking the top off with my teeth. He looked at me in astonishment as I did the second one.

"Thank you" I gave him back his bottle, "How can you do that?"

"Scott's older sister Carly taught me when I was 16, been using it as a party trick ever since" I shrugged.

"Your going to have to teach me" he said before turning his attention back to steering the boat. The warmth of the sun rested on my skin, and the rays glistened across the water. I took the opportunity that was presented to me and took my camera out of my bag. I clicked away, taking pictures of the colourful boats that we went past, each boat with there own personal touch to it. I quickly snapped a picture of Henry. The way the sun rested on his face made him look so serious, his face was gave away his deep thought. He noticed me taking pictures and turned to smile at me and I snapped a shot. "Enough of me, let me take some of you"

"No chance" I shook my head, he launched forward and took the camera out of my hand and snapped loads of pictures. "Stop!" I giggled, desperately trying to cover my face. He leaned out, taking my hand and pulled me onto his lap. He turned the camera round and quickly snapped a picture of us, he then kissed me, his hand resting on my thigh. I heard the camera click again and I pulled away. "You are incredibly annoying, you know that?"

"Yep" he grinned cheekily and pressed a short sweet kiss to my lips.

~ fun fact I can actually open a beer bottle top with my teeth~

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