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"So you dated Chris Evans?" Henry asked. He'd called me a couple of minutes ago, apologising profusely about all the articles. I'd decided that it would be better to come clean now than for him to find out on the internet.

"Yes" I replied.

"Okay. It doesn't bother me. I still want to see you again". A small grin slowly spread across my face, my stomach filling with butterflies. "How long are you in the UK for?"

"I don't know yet. I haven't booked a flight back" I answered honestly.

"Come to London tomorrow. Let me take you out for dinner"

"I'd like that. I'll book a train ticket now"

"See you tomorrow, darling" he said before hanging up, and I was once again left in a puddle of mush. I opened up my laptop and booked my ticket for midday to London St Pancreas.

I walked downstairs to see my Grandma curled up on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around her, watching a movie I couldn't quite see. Wandering over to her, I lifted the blanket up and sat down next to her. "What we watching?" I asked.

"I think its called Gifted" She replied, biting into a bit of cake.

"Chris is in this" I stated.

"Really? Which one, I don't think I have seen a picture of him since he was a lot younger!" she sounded surprised.

"He's literally the main character. Look that's him there" I pointed at the screen, giggling a little bit at her obliviousness.

"Oh isn't he just a handsome little thing" she whistled.

"Grandma!" I burst out in shock.

"Sorry, I can't help it" she held her hand up, "But he has still been a dickhead, that will not be excused now because I know how handsome he is". I rolled my eyes and she pushed my arm. "Speaking of handsome, when are you next seeing Henry" her eyebrow raised in a suggestive manner.

"Tomorrow. He asked me to go to London." I answered, raising my eyebrow to mirror her expression.

"Very nice" she nodded in satisfaction.

"I think I'm going to go out and have a wander" I announced.

"Have fun sweetie" Grandma replied, not breaking away from the TV screen.

I changed out of my sweats and into my outfit of the day. A champagne coloured silk skirt with a slit up the right hand side, matched with a white cropped tank top and all white converse. I did light make up and let my natural curls hang below my shoulders. After grabbing my camera and my cropped black denim jacket, I was out the door.

I put my earphones in and Janis Joplin's piece of my heart played. I walked down the pavements, toward the beach. The sky was completely clear, not one fluffy cloud could be seen. The sun created a daze across the sea, reflecting gold light off the sparkling deep blue water. It felt as if everyone was in some kind of happy hypnosis by the sun rays. Brighton pier was in full operation, all the rides were on the go and the excited screams of those who dared to go on the rides echoed across the beach.

My music was interrupted by my phone ringing. Jess's contact flashed up on my screen. I answered reluctantly. "Hello?"

"Hi Liv?" she asked.


"Can you hear me?" she questioned.

"Yeah, can you hear me?"

"Yeah. How are you?" she asked genuinely.

"I'm pretty good" I answered honestly

"Oh I bet you are" she giggled.

"Oh is this why you called then" I chuckled, knowing her too well.

"Well one of the reasons. First of all I want to hear all about Brighton then we can talk about Superman" she stated.

"I love it, I'm having such a good time. Definitely needed this. How's New York without me?"

"Depressing. You sound happy, I'm really glad, you deserve it" she paused, "Right, now the small talk is over. Tell me everything!" she squealed.

"Okay. So Grandma really ambushed me."

"Oh so Grandma Rosie set this up. I would die for her, what a queen" she laughed. I continued to tell her the story and she listened patiently, when it got to the bit about him kissing me she went absolutely mental. We continued to catch up for the next half an hour. She told me she also called because she needed my permission to close the club for a week for refurbishing, contractor rule apparently.

"Oh my god, you should come here!" I burst out. "When the club closes, you can always get Tom to oversee the refurbishments and you can come here for the week!"

"Fuck yes!" she squealed, "That is the best idea. New York is boring without you anyway, I don't know how I've lasted three weeks without you in all honesty"

"Grandma would love to have you over, you know she would"

"Oh I'm booking my ticket right now!" I could hear her scrambling around to find her laptop, "Okay so they want to do it on the 30th and they said it would roughly take about 10 days so I could fly back on the 8th and be back in time before it finishes." I sat myself down on a nearby bench whilst Jess was calculating times and dates.

"Okay there is a flight at 7:30AM on the 30th into Gatwick airport, how does that sound?" she asked.

"That's perfect, I could come pick you up from the gate and take you back to Grandma's" I answered. "I think Scott mentioned about wanting to come so I could see if he's available the same week and we could make it a little holiday?" I suggested.

"Yes! I was talking to him about it the other day but I can find out now, I'll add him to the call" the line went quiet before it let out a ring and Scott was added to the call.

"Hi Scotty" I giggled.

"Ladies, what can I do for you?" he asked suspiciously.

"What are you doing on the 30th July to the 8th August?" I questioned.

"Nothing that I'm aware of, I have a break from filming for a couple weeks and that's one of them" he states, still sounding confused.

"How would you feel about you and Jess coming to stay with me for the week?" It went quiet for a moment before Scott let out an excited squeal.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" he chanted.

"What about me?" a voice asked. A voice that what was a bit too familiar.

"Chris!" Scott scolded, "I told you not to talk!"

"Sorry" he surrendered, sounding like a scolded puppy.

"No you can't come." Jess replied bluntly.

"Text me the details about you flight Scott. I'll talk to you later. I need to go" I rambled before pressing that red button that was my saviour in that moment. I had no contact with him whatsoever these past three weeks and in all honesty it was nice. I wasn't forced to think about him.

I got up from the bench and continued my walk, putting my music on once again.

~got some juicy chapters coming up soon!~

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