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"Have fun last night?" Jess raised a brow. I took a bite into my grilled cheese, the hot gooiness oozing out of the toasted bread.

"Yeah, great wedding Jess!" I answered overenthusiastically. She gave me a side glance, unimpressed with my lack of gossip. She wanted me to spill all the dirty secrets and we both knew it.

"You and I both know that's not what I meant" she lowered her tone but Scott still managed to overhear.

"What we talking about?" He asked obliviously. Jess giggled, knowing what we were talking about but not having the heart to tell him.

"Mine and your brothers sex life" I replied bluntly and also a bit too loudly apparently as I got a concerned look from a few of the guests. My cheeks flushed bright red and Jess absolutely wet herself whilst Scott began gagging.

"Didn't need to know that. I mean don't get me wrong I'm glad your getting some and usually I'd wanna know all the gory details of straight sex but I just-" He made a face of disgust and we both laughed. Sebastian, Chris and Anthony returned over to us, all with mischievous looks on their faces.

"What have you done?" Jess quizzed suspiciously. I made eye contact with Chris and raised my brow at him, his grin dropped.

"Nothing!" Seb raised his hands defensively and the other two looked at each other.

"You know what, I don't even wanna know" Jess sighed, returning her interest back to the food on her plate. Chris took the seat next to me and Anthony took the one opposite to him with Sebastian sat next to him. Chris rested his arm round the back of my chair and pinched a piece of my bacon off my plate. "I still can't believe you made the band play Rasputin, Live" Jess chuckled, Scott and I burst out laughing straight away at the memory. When we first watched Captain America and The Winter Soldier, Jess and I begun playing Boney's Rasputin to the point where it drove Seb to insanity. So tipsy me decided that it would be a great idea and would be hilarious to get the band to play it. I was correct. It was the best idea I have ever had, his face was priceless. Jess and I had managed to get him to dance with us.

"It was not funny!" Seb pouted.

"Yeah it was fucking hilarious man!" Anthony burst out, "Liv I gotta hand it to you, your good". Anthony Mackie was one of the funniest people I had ever met so him saying that was one of the best things to ever happen. I blew a kiss to him and he caught it, holding it to his heart.

"Hello kids" Dad smiled cheerily. He walked over to our table and sat himself down on the end seat, taking a sip of the mug of coffee in his hand.

"How?" Anthony questioned in bewilderment. Dad's lack of hangovers, no matter how much he'd have to drink was always a mystery. It was a gift that I had unfortunately not received.

"You will only hurt your head more trying to figure it out" I sighed. Anthony's eyes flickered between us and dad, shaking his head. Chris's hand went to sneak across and grab another bit of bacon but I quickly caught on and smacked his hand away.

Once lunch was finished, the guests began to check out and the bridal party had to wish them farewell. Chris and I said goodbye to the happy couple, getting a cab back into the city and to my apartment. We plopped our bags down in the hall, Chris scooped me up taking me into the kitchen. "Put me down you twat!" I shrieked. He sat me down on the kitchen island counter.

"There. Happy?" he grinned childishly and I placed my hands on either side of his face, stroking my thumbs over his bearded cheeks. He rested his hands on my thighs, pressing a kiss to my hand.

"Very" I whispered.

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