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A couple of days had passed since we found out Jess was pregnant. She'd decided to tell Seb straight away, as soon as he came in. I'd never laughed so hard in my life, he looked like he was about to faint. He was happy about it just very, very scared. Part of me was scared too, pregnancy hormones plus Jess's regular moods was going to be fucking terrifying for us all. She asked me not to tell Henry as she didn't want anyone knowing just yet as it was still early days.

I left the happy couple to 'celebrate' and I went home to also 'celebrate' with my fiancée. Except that as soon as I got home I found him passed out on the sofa with all of his clothes but his shirt and socks on the floor. I decided that it would be more difficult to wake him up and get him upstairs than it would be to just leave him. Putting a glass of water, a couple of aspirin and a banana on the coffee table next to him, I went up to bed.

The next morning I received multiple texts from Jess about wedding dress shopping. For someone who is usually so organised she had left this so last minute. The venue was done which was one of the biggest things as was the cake, catering, decorations ,invites and DJ. Whilst I was replying to her, she must of decided that I was taking too long and phoned me. "I managed to get an appointment at 2PM, but Scott can't make it because he's not even in the state, I don't even know if Lila and Rylee can make it and I don't know what to do" she cried out.

"Right. You focus on getting there. I will arrange everything with Lila and Rylee, and I'll find someway to facetime Scott so he can see, okay?" I rubbed my head, feeling slightly hungover. If this was how I felt after last night, I can't even imagine how hungover Henry is right now.

"Okay" she exhaled, sounding a little bit more relaxed.

"It's 9AM now so we still have time, you take it easy Momma and chill the fuck out" I told her. We hung up and I got to work. I put on Henry's old rugby top which came just below my bum and went downstairs. He was still passed out on the sofa but the aspirin was gone and so was half the water, there was only the banana peel left on the table. Pressing a kiss to his temple, he stirred slightly. I walked into the kitchen and started to pull out the ingredients to make some scrambled eggs. At some point whilst I was cooking Henry must of woken up as he groaned his way into the kitchen.

"Morning" he muttered, his morning voice sending butterflies through my stomach.

"Morning, how you feeling?" I asked, decanting the eggs onto two plates and handed one to him.

"Rough" he answered, I took the fact he was being monosyllabic as a sign that he didn't want to talk. "Thank you darling" he smiled as he took the plate.

"Jess has booked a wedding dress appointment at 2 so I'm not sure when I'll be back" I told him.

"Okay, is she okay now?" he asked, not really paying much attention.

"Yeah she's fine" I nodded. After eating my eggs, I pulled up Lila's contact and phoned her. Thankfully she wasn't busy and could come. That was one down, two to go. I phoned Rylee and she could come but not till 2:30pm but that was fine. Scott told me he would be able to facetime from 2pm till 5pm which should be long enough. By the time I'd finished it was 10:30am, time to take a shower.

I turned the shower on and let it heat up while I undressed, the whole bathroom was full of steam by the time I'd gotten in. The hot water stung against my skin, but almost in a soothing therapeutic way. I heard the door open and close, I wiped the steam off the glass shower door and saw Henry undressing. I smiled smugly to myself as he stripped. He slid the glass door open and stepped in beside me. "Hi" I whispered as he kissed my shoulder. Lets just say that the shower wasn't the only thing that was hot and steamy in that room....

I changed into some black mom jeans and a smart cream knitted jumper. Putting my boots, thick winter coat, hat and scarf I left to make my way to Jess and Seb's apartment. "Thank god your here!" Sebastian cried out, "She's driving me insane!" he whispered, being careful that Jess wouldn't here.

"Be nice" I held a warning finger at him. "Jess?" I called out.

"In here!" she shouted back, I walked into their bedroom to her standing in front of the wardrobe mirror, prodding and poking at her outfit.

"Jess you look lovely, now we need to go. The dress place is on the other side of the city" I told her.

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm ready" she huffed. Just as we were about to walk out the bedroom, Seb rushed to the door looking panicked.

"You need to stay in here!" he commanded.

"Why?" I asked, confused as to why he was acting this way.

"You just need to stay in here, okay?" he stressed.

"No. Not okay? Move please" I replied, I managed to get past him and walked out into the living room.

I saw someone sat on the sofa, curious as to who it was I spoke, "Hi".

They turned around and there sat there was a ghost from my past. "Hi" Chris replied. I looked at him, shocked to see if he was actually sat there.

"Hi" I repeated, not really knowing what else to say.

"Sorry I didn't know you were coming over Chris" Seb apologised, I looked at Seb confused as to why he was apologising to Chris.

"Nah it's okay man" Chris waved his hand as if to dismiss it, "It's good to see you Liv, you look good". Uh oh, I felt my heart flutter a little. I'd tried to push him to the back of my mind and so far it had worked, but right now it completely backfired.

"Bye" I blinked and walked out, not even caring that Jess hadn't left yet, I just waited on the curb outside. Feeling very, very confused. I mean I knew that I would have to see him at the wedding but I'd chosen to blank that out. Seeing him made my heart skip a beat and all of a sudden the ring on my finger started to feel very, very heavy.

~ just to let you guys know, I haven't finished the book just yet. ive hardly even started. there is still lots more to come, so sit back and enjoy the ride~

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