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Ivory gowns hung along the racks, brightening the whole room. Soft classical music played blissfully in the background. And the lights reflected onto the marble floor. "We've got an appointment for Jessica Taylor at 2PM" I told the assistant.

"Perfect, I've got you right here" The lady smiled, looking down at her computer at the bookings, "If you would just like to follow me through and someone will be with you shortly about what kind of dress you would like" she got out from behind the desk and we walked past a champagne coloured velvet curtain. I followed the lady, Jess and Lila behind me. "My name is Rita and if you need anything just give me a shout"

"Thank you so much" I smiled. The room was sparkling as the light captivated the white walls. In the middle of the room was a massive white sofa with a glass coffee table beside it, bridal magazines neatly organised on it along with a vase of violets. In front of the sofa was a stand for the bride-to-be to stand on to show off the dress. The other side of that was the dressing room, it had a curtain which was propped to the side for privacy.

"It's so pretty!" Lila gasped, running her fingers through the gowns on the rack at the back of the suite.

"Good choice J" I complimented, noticing a silver ice bucket with a bottle of champagne and four flutes next to it. Jess followed my eyeline and spotted it, she looked like she was about to be sick and I suddenly remembered that she couldn't drink alcohol.

"You do the honours Jess" Lila clapped her hands together. Jess walked eerily over to the bottle and took it out of the ice bucket. Unwrapping the foil, she pushed the cork out with her thumbs making a loud popping noise as the cork flew out. Lila grabbed two flutes and held them under the bottle spewing foam. She handed one to me, and filled another one up for Jess. I watched as a look of sheer panic settled on her face.

"You probably shouldn't drink Jess, you want to be able to stand up to actually get into your wedding dress" Jess's face instantly relaxed, her shoulders slumping down at my suggestion.

"Yeah that's true" she nodded.

"More for us" Lila shrugged. Moments later a different lady came in wearing a black pencil skirt, a white shirt and a black blazer with gold embellishments.

"Who out of you lovely ladies is the bride?" she asked excitedly. Jess raised her hand and the lady walked over to her, "Hi my name is Rachel and I'm going to be helping you find your perfect dress today. I'll take your measurements and you can give me a rough idea on what kind of dress your after" she clapped her hands together as Jess nodded, and removed the tape measure from her blazer pocket.

After taking her measurements, Jess explained how she wanted a dress quite tight fitted that flowed out below the bum with lots of jewel embellishments. I knew Jess quite well and knew that if she wanted a very extravagant gown. She tried on a couple before Rylee arrived and didn't think much of them. An hour passed by and Scott was on facetime feeling left out because he didn't have any champagne so he decided that he was going to drink vodka as a replacement, becoming very drunk very quickly.

We were all laughing at Scott's sassy comments when Jess came out of the dressing room, happy tears in her eyes. The gown she had on was strapless, heart neckline that hugged onto her figure until just below her butt and puffed out with a chiffon material. There were sequined flowers dotted around the dress that sparkled under the light. All of a sudden we all went quiet, my eyes began to tear up and I nodded at her. "This is it" she choked out.

"I think so too" I smiled, I got up and hugged her.

"We're getting married Livvy Lou" she squeezed me.

"I know" I replied, an uneasy feeling in my stomach. According to Jess, Seb had insisted on putting the dress on his card. We all giggled and tried to guess what his reaction would be when he found out how much it was.

There were a few altercations to be made to the dress, so Jess couldn't pick it up for a couple days and when she did the dress was going to be left at my apartment where she would be staying until the wedding. I got a cab back home and found Henry still sat on the sofa. Exhausted, I slumped down next to him, "How was it?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the tv screen.

"Yeah she found the dress" I answered, taking my boots off and putting my feet up on the sofa.

"Good". I snuggled into Henry's chest, my eyelids drooping with tiredness.

There was a knock at the door, I glanced at Henry who looked equally as confused as me. I got up and opened the door, and there stood Chris. A devilish smirk on his face. "Chris? Why are you here?" I questioned in shock.

"You know why I'm here" he walked in. I shot round and saw Henry who was now stood up, the same devilish expression on his face. They both got closer to me, brushing there hands across my body. Chris cupped my face and pulled me in to kiss him, while Henry grasped my boob and begun massaging it. I pulled away from Chris and was soon pulled into kissing Henry. Chris begun to strip my clothes off, tracing his fingers over my lacy underwear. Then Henry and Chris began taking their clothes off. Placing his hand on the back of my neck, Chris brought me in for another kiss. His soft buttery lips connecting to mine with such passion.

"Olivia?" I heard my name being called, "Olivia? Wake up" followed by rough shaking. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Henry looking down at me, lying on his lap, in concern. "Are you okay? You kept shaking, you must of been dreaming". My cheeks flushed bright red as the realisation that it was all a dream kicked in. Why the fuck was I dreaming about that?

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