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104 missed calls from Henry, 87 texts and 53 voicemails. That night I'd only picked up to one of his calls and told him it was over. He tried to explain, he told me that he was drunk and it didn't mean anything, but later on that day it was speculated on the media that this had been happening for a month. "You can have your ring back, but other than that I don't want to ever see you again. Do you understand?" I stated plainly.

"Olivia please-" he began to call out but I hung up before he could finish the sentence. I tried to refrain Scott from sending hate mail, or send his fans to war with Henry on twitter. It took a lot of bribing and I managed to talk him down to only posting a really hot picture of me and him with a slightly bitchy caption. Chris on the other hand was fuming. He phoned me straight away shouting about how he was gonna punch him. It made me laugh and he calmed down a little bit, satisfied that he had cheered me up. He insisted on him and Seb coming over.

"Come here Liv" Chris held his arms out to me and pulled me into the most suffocating bear hug, Seb joined and wrapped his arms around me and Chris, then Jess didn't want to be left out so also grabbed on. "We brought lots of tequila!" Chris announced.

"Jess can't drink that, man" Seb sighed in irritation. Jess and I looked at each other in shock at his sudden burst of paternal instinct.

"Why? Jess loves tequila" Chris looked confused, we just giggled at him. Sebastian looked at Jess to ask whether he could tell him and she gave him a short nod.

"She's pregnant". His eyes widened as he processed the information, after a minute of trying to come to terms with it he burst out a congratulations and hugged Jess then Seb.

"I volunteer to drink Jess's tequila for her" I raised my hand and announced. Jess slapped my arm out of jealousy. "Hey its better I do it, don't want my little niece or nephew coming out with 6 fingers" I poked her stomach.

"I'll get the shot glasses out!" Chris walked over to the kitchen and I followed him. "Liv?" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied whilst unsealing the bottle.

"Would you of still married him if you didn't find out about him cheating?" he stopped me from what I was doing so I could look at him.

"No, I don't think I would of" I answered honestly. His brows furrowed confused to my response.

"Why?". I felt my heartbeat increase, what was about to come out of my mouth was something I'd been trying to suppress ever since Henry proposed. I never expected him to propose, maybe that's why I said yes. I don't think I'd ever know why I did say yes but I did. I knew deep down that I would never of been able to go through with it. I may of loved Henry, and he may of loved me. But we didn't have that love that books were written about, that movies were made about, or like songs were sung about.

"Because he's not you Chris" the words fell out of my lips so effortlessly.

~ sorry for the short chapter~

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