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"Liv I still love you but Grandma is my favourite person now" Jess announced whilst we were sat in the living room. They had met roughly 14 hours ago and she was already calling her Grandma. It was safe to say she was well and truly a Rose family member now seeing as it was just me, dad and grandma.

"I love you too honey" Grandma patted the empty seat next to her for Jess to sit down.

"What about me?" Scott pouted from next to me.

"I love you all" she stated. "What time is Henry coming sweetie?"

"He said he should get here for about 6pm maybe 6:30" I replied, taking a sip out of my mug whilst everyone stared at me.

"Henry's coming?" Jess cocked her brow.

"Yes" I admitted quietly. I felt bad for springing this on them now, but hey Jess sprung Seb on me so she didn't have much room to talk.

"For how long?" Scott asked with an angsty tone. I looked at him confused, I couldn't help feel a sense of dread wash over me, that he was with holding information.

"He's staying for 3 nights and leaving late Sunday night why?" I nibbled on my lip anxiously as I watched him and Seb exchange a weary look.

"We weren't going to tell you but Chris is coming on Friday..." Scott trailed off.

"And you were planning on telling me this when?" I could feel anger bubbling up inside me. I glanced between the two men who looked equally guilty and at Jess who appeared just as shocked as me.

"Well we were kinda just gonna surprise you" Seb muttered.

"And that would be a good surprise how?" Jess raised her voice, practically yelling. I was too lost for words, I didn't even know how to begin on what to say.

"Tell him not to come." I stated bluntly.

"But-" Sebastian begun.

"Tell him not to come. To cancel his flight. I do not care" my voice raised slightly. My Grandma left the room, the tension building up was too much for her to handle.

"He said he had something to do in London for a couple days and he was going to catch the train down here for the day" Scott sort of shrunk into himself when he said this, scared of both mine and Jess' reaction.

"Tell him not to bother coming. Tell him to do his shit in London then fly the fuck back to L.A" I warned, getting up and leaving the room before I exploded. I could hear Jess's hushed shouts towards the two men.

I'm guessing one of them texted Chris and told him what I said as I got a phone call from him about 5 minutes after I'd left the room.

"Hello?" I questioned impatiently.

"Why don't you want me to come?" he pressured.

"Erm let me think. Why would I want the person I'm dating to meet my ex when we have only been dating for a couple weeks?" I shot back sarcastically.

"He's meeting Jess, Seb and Scott?" he asked quietly, sounding almost hurt.


"I want to be there" he stated.

"No" I stated.

"Yes" he argued with me.





"What are you five?" I scolded, trying desperately not to crack a smile at his renown immaturity.

"Yes" I could practically see his stupid pout through the phone. "I'm coming, as Scott's brother, as your friend. I respect you and super spandex wearing man"

"Chris, you wear spandex" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but I have America's ass so it's okay" he retorted smartly.

"Henry has a great arse" I sighed contently.

"Alright, alright, I get the idea" he tutted at me, "but seriously I'm not going to pull anything. Me and Henry actually get on, we've met a couple times. You know super hero stuff"

"Mhm" I sassed and there was a moment of silence, "Okay fine"

"Whoop" Chris hollered through the phone.

"Jesus you really are five"

"You know it baby" he charmed, "I'm going to be on my best behaviour. I promise"

"Yes you are. So much for me having space from you" I sighed.

"You couldn't do it if you tried. We may have a bad history but we were best friends first, you can't escape me!" he partially sung. He wasn't wrong though.

"Unfortunately" I remarked.

"Hey! See you Friday" he said before I hung up. Calling defeat, I walked back into the living room and they all looked at me anxiously.

"He's coming" I announced, Jess looked mad, Scott and Seb looked relieved. "I'm still so pissed at you two so don't even say a thing" I warned.

"I love you" Scott pleaded.

"Nope" I dismissed, "Oh god, I still need to tell Henry" I sunk down next to Jess.

"It's okay" she comforted, putting her arm round my shoulder and rubbing it. It was most definitely not going to be okay.

All I ask | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now