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"It's okay" Henry assured. I'd phoned him about an hour later my call with Chris.

"If it's weird-" I began spiralling, "What am I even saying of course it's weird, I'm sorry I didn't know he was coming till today-" I continued, playing with my new bracelet on my wrist.

"Olivia, darling, it's fine. I promise. Me and him actually get on, super hero stuff you know" He chuckled.

"You know that is exactly what he said" I smiled.

"See, it's already fine. I'm more thinking about the fact I get to see you again" my stomach fluttered at the words leaving his mouth.

"I'm excited to see you too" I twiddled the dangling chain around my finger.

"I'll see you soon darling, only two more days". We said our goodbyes and I returned to the living room where everyone was sat.

"It's all good" I let out a sigh of relief and everyone smiled, relieved for me.

"See I told you, Henry is a lovely boy" Grandma clapped.

"What do you guys want to do today? Because I don't know about you two" Scott said gesturing toward Seb and Jess who were curled up on the sofa, "But I wanna try these crepe's Liv keeps talking about!"


Those two days passed quickly. It was 6pm and I just got a call from Henry saying he'd be here in a couple of minutes. I anxiously bounced my leg up and down whilst gnawing on the inside of my cheek. Most of me was excited to see him again, but a part of me was scared. Sure he had met my Grandma, but he was meeting Jess. And Scott, who was a very firm supporter of me and Chris. I didn't know how well this was going to end. It just felt like an uncomfortable feeling that something really bad was going to happen. I was too busy spiralling into my own thoughts that I didn't hear the door open. However I did hear Grandma call out my name. I sat up from the kitchen chair I was sat on. Luckily Scott, Jess and Seb had insisted on trying fish and chips, and Grandma had sent them off to the local chippy to pick some up. "Hi darling" Henry grinned. Smiling back at him, he dropped his duffle bag on the floor and gave me a big bear hug, kissing me on the top of my head as he leant down.

"Liv why don't you show Henry up to your room so he can put his bag down?" Grandma raised her brow suggestively, thankfully he was oblivious to her underlying racy suggestion. He followed me up the stairs to my room at Grandma's house.

Setting his bag back down on the floor, his hands instantly snaked their way onto my waist, spinning me round. "Hi" he whispered, his face inches away from mine.

"Hi" I whispered back. Connecting our lips together, the palm of my hand rested on his stubbly cheek. Due to a project he was working on, he had to shave the beard off. And my other hand held the back of his neck, drawing him in as close as possible. The kiss was gentle and sweet until I attached my hand to his belt, and began stepping backwards till the back of my legs finally hit the bed. I fell onto the bed and Henry climbed on top of me, not breaking the kiss once. His hand snaked its way up my flowing sundress, softly rubbing the inside of my thigh, sending electric shocks through my whole body. I let out a whine of desperation for him to touch me, just as his fingers began to trace the hem of my underwear there was a loud bang on the door. We broke apart and he gave me one final short sweet kiss on my swollen lips before moving off of me. I got up and quickly managed to straighten up my dress and tame my bed hair before he opened the door. Jess was stood on the other side looking pretty traumatised.

"Dinner's ready" she squeaked.

"Hi, I'm Henry and you must be Jess. Olivia had told me a lot about you" he held his hand out for her to shake, she took it a little too eagerly and smiled at him.

"Hi, I've heard a lot about you too" she shook his hand.

"I'll just go downstairs" he pointed toward the stairs awkwardly, allowing us to have a couple minutes to freak out and jump up and down while he wasn't there.

"Oh my god!" she whisper screamed.

"I know!" I whisper screamed back.

"He's so hot!"

"I know!". The jumping up and down finally stopped and we wandered down the stairs. Grandma was sat at the head of the table. Scott sat beside her territorially, Sebastian at the other end of the table. Leaving a spot between Scott and Seb, Jess took it and I took the one between Grandma and Henry.

"So Henry. How did you meet our Liv?" Scott quizzed, dishing the food onto his plate.

"Actually my mother and Rosemary tried to set us up" he said, shooting a grin at Grandma. She faked being shocked and offended, before giving in and smiling.

"How lovely" he smiled back. I shot him a look as if to say behave. I could already sense the doom of this all.

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