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~ you all asked so I shall deliver~

Chris glared at the two of us. "Can we help you?" I asked rudely.

"Just came to see if you needed any help" he shot back.

"Well we don't" I smiled sarcastically.

"Clearly, I think superman has it covered" he nodded. Henry, still in the same position, looked down at me his nostrils flared angrily. I looked up at him, slightly scared at how he was going to react.

"Do you have a problem, mate?" Henry moved away from me, walking over to Chris.

"Nope, mate. I don't" Chris snarled. They were both face to face, chests raised, both ready to attack.

"Right this isn't a fucking pissing contest" I stated, getting between the two of them. A hand on both of their abs. "Chris go back in the living room" I pushed lightly then turned my full attention to Henry.

"Lets go on a walk" I pleaded, he looked over me still glaring at Chris. I moved my hands up to his chest which finally got his attention.

"Okay" he nodded. Grabbing my converse, I quickly slipped them on. Luckily Henry still had his shoes on and I could drag him out the house before Chris hit him.

"Still don't believe me that he loves you?" he raised his brow and I glared up at him. "Alright, I'm sorry" he chuckled and bent down to kiss my cheek.

"Mhm" I hummed still glaring at him. He grabbed my face in his hand to squish my cheeks, making my lips stick out in a pout and kissed me hard.

"Let's go get ice cream" he stated, wrapping his arm around my shoulder in the process.

By the time we had returned two hours later Scott, Seb and Chris had gone out leaving just my Grandma and Jess at home. We all sat in the upstairs living room talking, then Grandma had to bring out the baby pictures. "Look at that cute little face" Henry cooed, sitting next to my Grandma as she flicked through the baby blue book. I excused myself and went down into the kitchen to get some water. The doorbell went as I got to the kitchen. I assumed it would be the boys coming back. Opening the door, I was right, the three of them stood on the doorstep giggling mischievously like little boys.

"We went to the pub" Seb announced proudly. The three of them were clearly tipsy.

"Well done" I smiled sarcastically. "They are all upstairs" I told them, Seb and Scott instantly went up the stairs as I walked back into the kitchen. I heard footsteps behind me and sighed. "Go away Chris"

"No" he said annoyingly, I could tell that he had that shit eating grin on even though I couldn't see him. "Liv" he whined.

"No I'm not doing this" I shut him down, taking a glass out of the cupboard and filled it up under the tap. I was about to leave the room and go back upstairs when he stood in my way. He looked down at me, his ocean blues looking through me. "You did this with Aaron, you are not doing this with Henry"

"I'm not doing anything" He smirked, getting closer to me.

"You know exactly what your doing" I raised my eyebrow disapprovingly. He couldn't stand to see me with someone else and we both knew it. "You had your chance. You cocked it up. Now move out of my way". I pushed past him and left the room. Upstairs they were all giggling over the baby pictures of me. I sat myself next to Henry and he put his arm round the back of the sofa. Chris came upstairs not long after. Henry didn't pay much attention to him but I sensed Chris's glares each time Henry touched me in the slightest.

Thankfully we managed to get through the rest of the day without any more confrontations. When Chris had left, Scott and Seb apologised to me profusely, saying they didn't know he was going to be like that. I don't know why they were so surprised, Chris was always like that. It's not that he didn't want me to be happy because I knew he did. It's that he couldn't control his anger getting the best of him, he was jealous and couldn't ever hide it for shit.

The next couple days flew by and it was almost time for them all to go back to New York. "Have you decided when your going to come back?" Jess asked. We were both sat in the upstairs living room talking.

"No" I lied, Sebastian had told me his elaborate plan of proposing and asked me to be there at the party so I was flying back at the end of August to surprise her.

"I'm really gonna miss you" she pouted.

"I'll miss you too" I hugged her. "What do you think about Henry?" I asked curiously. After the almost explosion with him and Chris, we'd spoken things over before he went home but we hadn't seen each other in person since.

"I like him. He's nice to you" she shrugged. I looked at her in confusion, this wasn't her usual excited self. For as long as I can remember she'd always been so enthusiastic about the guys I was dating and had lots to say.

"You okay?" I questioned her offness.

"Yeah I'm fine" she dismissed.

"What's going on?" I pushed the subject.

"It's just. You and Papa Rose are my family and I know it sounds selfish but I just don't want you being the other side of the ocean to me" she sighed.

"I'm not moving here" I assured her, "I love it here and I will most definitely be coming back but I'm not moving"

"You have Henry here now" she looked as if she was about to cry. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her close to me tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise"

"Pinky swear" Jess stuck her pinky out and I linked it with my pinky.

"Pinky swear" I repeated.

"Good because I need you, like on a daily basis" she chuckled.

"I need you too, on like a daily basis" I smiled, I let go of her and she wiped her tears away with her sleeve. "Do you think you would ever take Seb to meet your mum?" I asked her.

"Fuck no" she replied instantly, "I don't even think I would see her again in all honesty"

"Yeah, I don't blame you" I exhaled. Jess's mum was horrible. After her dad died, her mum turned nasty she was abusive and manipulative. I'd only ever met her a couple of times but I knew enough from what Jess had told me that I could kill her in a heartbeat. Once she'd cut all communication with her mum, when she was about 21 a few years after I'd met her, my dad kinda adopted her as his daughter. Me and Jess bickered, we bickered a lot at times especially when we were younger but she always had a bed at my house. When we were 20 and I was still living at home, she had her own room at mine and moved in. She had always just got me, always understood what I was feeling even when I didn't have to tell her.

~I absolutely adore writing about Jess and Liv's friendship, they are heavily inspired on me and my best friend~

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