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Nibbling on my lower lip anxiously, Jess grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, noticing that I wasn't alright. With Henry, Scott and Seb up a head, we walked to into the train station to meet Chris.

"This was a bad idea" I muttered, keeping a firm grip on Jess's hand.

"Yup. But you know what it's gonna be okay" She comforted, I let out a big huff as I watched the three men in front laugh. At least they were getting on.

Not even five minutes later I saw him walking towards us. Henry slipped his hand into mine territorially. I watched a grin appear on his face as he greeted Seb and Scott. Glancing beside me were Jess was stood, she looked like a guard dog ready to attack. His smile faded slightly when he glanced between me and Henry. "Henry! How are you my man?" He let go of my hand had took Chris's.

"Chris" I acknowledged, trying so desperately to sound somewhat pleasant while is said it.

"Jess!" Chris held his arms open and bear hugged her. I watched her awkwardly squirm under his embrace.

"Hi Liv" he smirked.

"Chris" I nodded back, he came towards me to try hug me but I stuck my hand out for him to shake to stop him from hugging. And the thing this motherfucker did next, I could feel Henry tense up next to me. Chris took my hand in his and brought it up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to the back of my hand. I quickly yanked it out of his grasp and turned away from him and began walking away. He knew exactly what he was doing 'best behaviour' my arse. Jess followed me and slipped my arm through hers.

"I thought Henry was gonna hit him" she chuckled.

"I hope he bloody does" I shot back.

Thankfully we made it back to Grandma's with no further altercations or almost altercations. "You must be Chris" she raised her brow.

"Yes Ma'am" he grinned at her charmingly. After he did that I just knew my Grandma was going to cave.

"Come here sweet cheeks" she held her arms open and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to put the kettle on" I announced.

"I'll help darling" Henry followed me into the kitchen. "What was that about earlier?" he asked curiously.

"Just him being a windup" I sighed, resting my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. "He's always been like this"

"Because he loves you" Henry stated plainly. I jerked up and looked at him in confusion. "Oh come on, did you not see how he looks at you. He loves you"

"Oh. It doesn't change anything though" I assured.

"Good" he grinned. I took the kettle and began filling it up with water from the tap. Putting it on to boil, Henry brushed my hair off my shoulder to reveal my neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing my neck. I turned around, his hands still firm on my hips and I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. His breath felt hot against my lips. I leaned up and connected our lips together. I moaned into the kiss softly melting into him. I heard someone awkwardly clear their throat in the same room. Breaking away from the kiss, I peered over Henry's shoulder and saw Chris stood in the doorway. Looking far from happy.

All I ask | Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now