18 months later

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"Henry! Henry! Can you tell us about your engagement to Olivia!" the interviewers called. The flashing lights of the camera's were blinding. I tried my best to compose myself, trying not to panic. I grabbed onto Henry's arm. This wasn't the first premier I'd been to with him, but this one felt a bit more scary. It might of been to do with the large heavy rock that was wrapped around my ring finger. Henry looked down at me, smiling proudly. I managed to muster a half-hearted smile back. I felt ridiculously made up. Henry had insisted that he hired someone to professionally do my hair and make up, I think it was his attempt to try make me feel more comfortable and less stressed but in all honesty I still felt like an outsider and that I didn't belong here. The paparazzi wanted to take pictures of him on his own so I sort of stood awkwardly on the side till I noticed Gal and let out a sigh of relief at a familiar face.

"Hi sweetie, you okay?" she asked cautiously. I'd met Gal Gadot through Henry when he came to stay with me for a couple days in New York while he was filming Justice League. All his co stars had been so lovely and welcoming to me but I really got on with Gal and we became really close.

"It's so intimidating" I giggled nervously.

"You get used to it" she smiled warmly. We continued to talk for a little while until Henry was done with his pictures and they wanted to start taking some of Gal.

A lot had happened over the past 18 months, the big thing being getting engaged which I did not predict in the slightest. I had only seen Chris once after he came to my grandma's and that was at Jess and Seb's engagement party. It was a truly beautiful moment, he had hired The Rose Room through me, and I kept all the personal details from Jess. Me, Seb and Chace had decorated it all with balloons, lots of sparkly dangly stuff that looked really pretty. And when Jess showed up for work, we all surprised her with all her friends, me and dad, I even managed to get Grandma to come with me as unfortunately Henry couldn't make it due to his filming schedule. Of course Jess had said yes, but neither of them had gotten round to actually planning the wedding till two months ago they finally set a date. Jess was desperate for a winter wedding so they'd managed to book a venue just outside of the city, where the wedding ceremony and reception would take place in less than three weeks time. I was Jess's maid of honour and she had Scott as a part of her bridal party along with two of her other friends. Sebastian had asked Chace to be his best man, and Anthony and Chris were his groomsmen. I was just thankful that I didn't have to walk down the isle with Chris.

After seeing each other at the engagement party, we hadn't spoken. Scott would never mention him, nor Seb and when Henry proposed to me a few weeks ago and it got leaked to the public, I received a cryptic message from Chris to say congratulations. He kept his word though, I hadn't seen anything about him dating any other women or maybe he was just really good at hiding it. A part of me deep, deep down wanted him to fight more for me, for him to say don't marry Henry. But he never did. I did love Henry, I really did but I was never sure that I was in love with him. When he proposed, I said yes, and that was it. I felt guilty that I wasn't 100% in love with him and it would always eat me up. Perhaps that's why I felt so uneasy being here with this giant reminder attached to my finger.

"You ready darling?" Henry asked, offering his arm for me to take.

"Yeah" I put on a big smiled, linking my arm through his.

One thing I did love about premiers though was the afterparty. Everyone got drunk, the actors, the directors, the stage production. It was amazing. I was talking to Jason and his wife Lisa while Henry got me a drink from the bar. They were both asking about when we were going to actually tie the knot, I didn't actually know when we would, we hadn't thought that far ahead yet. Henry wanted to finish all the touring for Justice League but this was the final premiere, which was in New York, so we would be starting to discuss it soon. Jason was drunk, and from what I had learnt the hard way, he is extremely huggy. As soon as Henry came over with our drinks, he grabbed him. I watched as Henry struggled to try and stop the drinks spilling, luckily I managed to take them out of his hands before they went all down his suit.

As the night went on, the drunker everyone got. Ben got everyone doing shots and was practically pouring them down Henry's throat which was quite amusing. I also learnt that when Henry's drunk he is incredibly horny. For the biggest gentleman he is when he is sober, his little horny devil side comes out as soon as the liquor goes down. "Hi beautiful" he kissed my neck, pushing his hard dick against me.

"Hi mister" I giggled, placing my hand on his chest, I was reasonably tipsy at this point.

"Lets do it in the bathroom" he whispered.

"Right now?" I looked at him surprised. He flashed me a devilish smirk whilst nodding his head.

"I'll meet you there in 5 minutes" he smirked before walking over to talk to Ben. I smiled to myself, without realising Gal noticing the encounter.

"He just asked you to do it in the bathroom didn't he?" she raised her brow.

"What! Pft, no" I tried to deny it, and she shook her head at me laughing as she did so. "I just need to go to the toilet" I excused myself and made my way over to the toilets. Brushing my hand across Henry's back as I walked past him.

Once I got to one of the cubicles, I waited for Henry for a couple minutes. I figured that Ben was most likely holding him up so I decided to take my phone out of my purse while I waited.

I had received 6 missed calls from Jess. Slightly concerned, I called her back. "Liv!" she exhaled, "Finally"

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm late" she whispered back.

"Late for what, where you going?" I was extremely confused.

"No. My periods late" she replied.

"Oh shit" I exhaled a response.

"Can you come over and take a test with me?" she asked. I felt bad for leaving Henry but in this moment Jess was my priority.

"Yeah of course, I'll be there in 20" I told her before hanging up. I unlocked the cubicle door and Henry was stood on the other side with a devilish smirk. "I have to go"

"Why, whats wrong?" his face dropped, my expression must of scared him.

"Jess has an emergency" I told him.

"Yeah go, do you need me to call the driver?" he asked, his tone full of concern.

"No its okay I'll take a cab. Are you okay for me to go?" I checked.

"Yeah of course, I'll meet you at home. Text me if you need anything" he nodded.

"Thank you love" I gave him a kiss before rushing off out of the party. Luckily I managed to get a cab quickly and got them to stop at a pharmacy where I got a pregnancy test, well I brought about 10 different kinds. Me and Jess had always used protection with boys and I can only remember once me having a pregnancy scare after I slept with Chris for the first time. After my miscarriage, I was more cautious to use protection than before, not ever wanting to go through that again.

I finally got to Jess and Seb's apartment, and she buzzed me up. Thankfully Seb wasn't here to experience this freak out. We instantly went into the bathroom, Jess had a bottle of water with her which she would drink from every couple of seconds to make her need to wee. I removed all the pregnancy tests from the bag and handed one to her pee on. After she peed on the first one and put the cap on she put it down and I handed her another one. About ten minutes later, we were both sat on the bathroom floor, waiting for the results. All the tests were laid out on the sink but neither of us had the guts to look at them. "You can do this" I tried to motivate her.

"Can you look for me?" she pleaded. I nodded, taking a deep breath I got up and peered over at all the tests. Every single one of them was positive. Whether it was two pink lines, a plus sign, or it straight out said 'pregnant', they were all positive.

"Your gonna have a baby" I smiled.

"I'm gonna be a mom?" she looked up at me, she looked happy. My bestest friend in the whole entire world was gonna be a mum.

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