More Than This

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Twin Dark x One Direction (Songs): Part 1

Chuuya had a big fucking problem.

Well, to be fair, he had a shit load of big fucking problems, but one of them specifically took the metaphorical cake as of now. It was honestly so fucking dumb, and Chuuya was fucking tired of obsessing over it for no reason.

See, Chuuya has an asshole for a best friend. Like seriously, the dude is the biggest asshole to ever walk on this planet. His name is Dazai Osamu. Even his name sounds pretentious, right? Who'd the asshole please in his past life to be reborn with such a cool name? Everyone in school calls him Dazai, and ugh, it just sounds so cool, fucking hell.

Chuuya had quite a lot of problems with Dazai, but the biggest one right now was that he's in love with him. So fucking stupid! He knew how much of a bastard he was, and he had to go and fall in love with him anyways. Chuuya wants to go shopping for braincells, to be honest.

The thing is, he has known Dazai for years. They first met in elementary school, actually. Dazai was silent kid who never spoke to anyone in class. He just sat in the corner and constantly read one book or the other. He never really had any friends either, and most of his classmates just chose to ignore him. He was too dark, they said.

Then a few months into the term, Chuuya transferred to his school and decided to sit next to him. That's how their 'friendship' started. Chuuya would pester him every single day, and Dazai would whine and ask him to go away and leave him alone, but his smile brightened with every new day that he lived to see with a chibi of his new best friend.

The two of them had been joined at the hip for years, considering Chuuya refused to leave him alone. This continued all through elementary school and middle school. Once they started high school, Dazai suddenly became really popular among his peers. Men and women alike flocked him, wanting to ask him questions and talk to him about silly things. 

Meanwhile, Chuuya still had a small group of close friends, just like how he preferred it. For a while, he had thought that Dazai would stop talking to him, now that he was finally popular and had other friends. But to his misfortune, no such thing happened. Dazai just became more clingy and refused to leave Chuuya alone. So, the two of them were still stuck with each other.

And all that would have been fine, if Chuuya's stupid brain hadn't gone and decided to pine for his childhood best friend. Honestly, curse everything in this world. Everything in this world was truly shitty. 

He has probably been in love with that bastard mackerel Dazai for years, but lately, he's been obsessing and overthinking over every little detail. It was driving him crazy! In fact, he's been telling his friends stupid details about their friendship, and they were actually ready to throw him off the roof at this point.

Other than Dazai, Chuuya would say he was closest to Yosano Akiko. She was in the same class as him, and although she was a terrifying woman, she was pretty fun to be around. Chuuya has been obsessing over Dazai to Yosano for weeks now, and she has had quite enough.

So, one day, Yosano hunted him down during lunch and gave him an ultimatum, "Either you tell Dazai by the end of the school day today, or I'll tell him myself."

Of course, Chuuya vehemently protested, "Yosano, you can't! It's going to ruin everything."

The girl snorted, "Yeah, as if. Chuuya-kun, you're actually blind if you can't see that Dazai is in love with you."

Chuuya folded his hands and shook his head firmly, "No, he isn't. He just sees me as a friend. Besides, I don't even know if I like him properly."

Yosano scoffed at him incredulously, "Sure, you're not in love with him. It's not like you talk about him constantly."

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