bear with me four today

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Day 4 of Soukoku Valentine's Week 2022: Teddy Day

Shopping was truly such a heavenly concept.

It just made so much sense, and it was the source of such great pleasure. You just go to stores you like (and which you can afford), and you spend your money on buying things that catch your fancy.

As simple as that, unless one is indecisive and cannot make up their mind about which of the two options to purchase. If they have the proper resources, however, they can just buy both! See? It was really so simple, and effortless, most of the time.

Chuuya liked shopping. It was fun to go to stores and stroll through the aisles, looking for anything that might catch his eye. He's always enjoyed it. Ever since Chuuya joined the Port Mafia, and started making decent enough money, he's always gone shopping once or twice a month.

Although, that didn't last very long. See, the problem with having partners was that either you absolutely hate them or you're way too in love with them. You could also be indifferent to them, but that was boring. In Chuuya's case, it was both of the former. 

He hated that shitty bastard he was married to, could barely stand him on a good day. And all his negative emotions were completely ruined by the fact that he just happened to love that asshole more. It was so troublesome!

For the last few years, whenever Chuuya has gone shopping, he's always ended up buying more stuff for Dazai than for himself. It literally did not make sense. Dazai claimed to hate shopping with every fibre of his being, and he disliked buying things.

But! But he always looked happy when Chuuya got him stuff, even though he complained lots about it. So it was worth it. Even if Chuuya subconsciously looked for things his partner would like whenever he visited places, instead of hunting for things he wanted himself.

Today, Chuuya needed to go and pick up a bunch of stuff. And he was positive that the same thing would happen all over again. Ah, but it was fine today. He didn't really have anything he wanted to get for himself. In fact, his primary purpose to go to the stores was to buy stuff for his asshole partner.

Now, that would be all fine if said asshole partner wasn't being an extra annoyance today. It was just partially his fault though; he was feeling under the weather today. Yes, that idiot had gone ahead and gotten himself annoyingly sick today. Which meant he acted more annoying that usual, whining extra lots and complaining about anything and everything non-stop.

All the more reason for Chuuya to get out of the house and pick up what he needed from the stores. So, bracing himself for high-pitched whines, Chuuya approached his partner, who was settled on the bed, buried under a heap of blankets. 

Checking the other's forehead for fever, Chuuya spoke softly, "Oi. I'm leaving for a bit. Will you be okay?"

Dazai peeked at him, lowering the blankets from his face, "You're leaving? Where are you going?"

The mafioso hummed, "Just a little shopping. I'll be back soon."



"As in going to stores to buy stuff?"

"...Yes. That is what it means."

With wide eyes, Dazai frowned, "You're going to leave me here like this to go shopping?

Oh god. Chuuya could feel in his nerves what was coming ahead of this. He gently pet his partner's head, "It's important. I'll be back really soon."

The whining started at this point, "But! But you can't leave me here!"

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