coffee tastes better short and cute, just like you

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Café Uzumaki was just like any other café. Except when it wasn't, during certain periods of time throughout the week.

They served a variety of coffee, along with a lot of bakery items, just like most other cafes. Plus, their establishment was located near Yokohama University, which obviously meant that most of their customers were college students. The atmosphere of the café was pretty relaxed for this very reason. Youngsters came over to work on their essays and stuff while they ordered an unhealthy amount of coffee and cake. But it was okay; as long as they were having fun, right?

As for the thing that made Café Uzumaki a little unique sometimes? Well one of their baristas happened to be an ability user. A gravity manipulator, to be specific. In this world, ability users started showing up about a century or so ago. While they used to be ostracized in the past, they were treated equally now. Ability users were still rare, but they had equal rights, and were governed by strict laws to ensure that none of them misuse their powers.

Nakahara Chuuya was one of these rare ability users. As mentioned, he was a gravity manipulator. His ability allowed him to control the gravity of any object or person he touched. One would expect him to use his super cool ability for super cool things, but Chuuya was a simple man. The top use for his ability was definitely delivering coffee and cupcakes to tables without actually walking over to them.

Hence, during the shifts Chuuya worked at the café, coffee mugs and cake plates could be seen floating all over the room. It was certainly very funny to look at. In fact, a lot of other people had heard about the flying cups, and hence had started showing up more, just in case they might catch Chuuya on a shift. None of the other employees minded this air of favouritism; Chuuya's ability just meant that they had less walking to do. Plus, they were getting better business, so it's a win-win situation.

Everyone knew that Chuuya didn't go over to deliver coffees unless he absolutely had to. One of such events would be when the café was really crowded, and the flying coffee cup might get intercepted by someone else accidentally. Nobody wants coffee raining from above just because somebody accidentally bumped into a flying cup, alright.

Chuuya didn't go over to tables usually, but today would be a hilarious exception.

Usually, Chuuya worked evening shifts, after all his college classes were over. It was the most convenient for him that way. But this week, unfortunately, he would have to work the morning shift. See, the boy who worked the morning shift, Tachihara, was an art student and he had his university's art fair coming up. Hence, he'd have to go to prepare for that in the morning. Since Chuuya didn't really have morning classes this week, he agreed to swap shifts with him. 

And so far, Chuuya wasn't regretting his decision. At first, he figured it'd be boring and trouble some to work the morning shift. There were way too many sleep deprived college students who showed up to get their pre-class dose of coffee. Plus, Chuuya didn't really know any of the morning shift workers that well. 

But well that was before he realised that one of his closest co-workers, Yosano, had shifted to the morning shift for the week as well. She'd swapped with another morning shift worker, Higuchi. Besides, Chuuya was also on pretty good terms with Gin, another one of the morning baristas. So, he was pretty much set for a fun week.

Today was his first day of working the morning shift. And it was all going fine. Really, it was. He'd delivered a bunch of flying coffees to sleep deprived college students, and they had thought that they were hallucinating. Some of them rubbed their eyes to figure out what was going, while others just gave up on sorting their mental health and just accepted the coffee before leaving. It was pretty fun.

It was all fun and games, till this one particular customer walked in through the doors. He was a brunet; his hair tousled as if he hasn't run a brush through it in days. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a full-sleeved blue sweatshirt. His glasses were lopsided on his face, and the bandages on his hands looked very close to unravelling.

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