sixth hug's the charm

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Day 6 of Soukoku Valentine's Week 2022: Hug Day

A/N: seriously who the fuck made these days


Long days were stupid.

Logically, if a day feels longer than usual, there is no reason on earth that day should continue to exist. Shouldn't there be a way to abort the proceeding of a day, once decided that it's too slow or too long? This world is overrun by ability users; surely one of them could figure out something.

But well, since such a useful system did not exist as of now, the only useless solution was to curse and bitch about said long day.

Dazai for one, has had the longest day in a while. First, they had a semi-important mission to do in the first half of the day. The detectives went in expecting to wrap it up way sooner than it actually did. There were some slightly unforeseen dilemmas when the people they were dealing with suddenly involved a group of kids out of nowhere.

The Agency members obviously weren't the one to harm civilians, much less children. hence, it took quite a while to work around this situation. Mostly because the children involved were rather young, and didn't understand what was going on.

After that was done, in the second half of the day, Kunikida made everyone stay back to finish their mission reports. After such an exhausting mission, shouldn't the employees be sent home?! Wasn't this unnecessary, staying at the office to do paperwork of all things?

Dazai just wanted to go home. But nevertheless, he did some of his paperwork, and pushed the rest upon his mentee before finally leaving the office around nine in the evening. Furthermore, he'd missed the last train from his stop, so he had to walk all the way to his penthouse.

It took him about half an hour to do so, and by the time he was standing at his own doorstep, he was undoubtedly utterly exhausted. Ah, but things would definitely be better soon. On the other side of the door, it was ascertained that Dazai would finally be greeted by his partner.

So, everything would be fine.

Instead of breaking in like usual, Dazai unlocked the door to his penthouse with his key. Stepping inside and shutting the door behind him, the first thing he did was put away his coat and shoes. See, his partner was prissy about these things and would definitely yell at him. He just happened to not be in a mood for being yelled at.

His feet softly padding through the carpeted floor, he made his way to the living room. As usual, he was fully expecting Chuuya to be watching television, or cooking in the kitchen while humming to music. As it turned out, that was not the case at all.

Chuuya was resting on the couch, almost curled up into a tiny sphere. He was still in his work clothes, which was definitely bizarre, to say the least. He seemed to be asleep, and he looked smaller than usual. Instead of resting atop his head, his hat was carefully placed in order to cover his face.

Everything about that sight was freakishly out of place.

With growing concern, Dazai slowly made his way to the couch before sitting down on the floor next to it. He softly whispered, "I'm going to remove your hat, okay?"

The nervous tension he was feeling just grew in intensity as he received no response. Going ahead to do what he said he would, he took off Chuuya's hat before placing it on the coffee table. The sight before him was nothing short of pure unpleasantness. 

Chuuya was asleep, his face streaked with tears. The man was clearly exhausted, and there was something very wrong. Before Dazai could decide if he wanted to wake his partner up or let him sleep, Chuuya stirred slowly.

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