post jailbreak

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A/N: BSD Ch 98 spoilers, Stormbringer spoilers

The Fyodor and Chuuya versus Dazai and Sigma fight ended in a very unexpected outcome. But well, considering that both teams had a psychopath genius on their side, was it really unexpected?

As it turned out, Chuuya obviously wasn't on Fyodor's side at all. But he most definitely had turned into a vampire. Yeah... It was just a little complicated. It happened like this. Because Dazai and Chuuya had whatever soulmate telepathy bullshit they had going on, they had had a specific plan (along with like ten other backups based on different outcomes) decided already. This was before Chuuya turned into a vampire.

Honestly, if anyone genuinely thought they had a chance of capturing Chuuya and converting him into one of Bram Stoker's vampires on their own merit, they really had another thought coming. For one, in terms of physical capability, there was nobody who could surpass Chuuya. The man was a living physics phenomenon; they couldn't even move his hat by an inch if they tried.

Furthermore, Chuuya wasn't human. Not really. Bram Stoker's vampire ability was known to definitely work on humans. It apparently didn't affect other races, considering animals on the street weren't vampires. Since Chuuya wasn't human in the first place, there was no way he would actually be converted into a mindless vampire.

So, when Chuuya went with Dazai's bullshit, genius plan, he allowed himself to be bitten on purpose. The vampire bite changed his appearance, but it didn't take over his mind. Besides, Chuuya was the prestigious vessel for the bullshit God of Corruption that was Arahabaki. As if a shitty phenomenon like that would let Chuuya be turned into a vampire.

All of this background story was known just to Dazai 'the bastard genius' Osamu, other than Chuuya himself. Of course, Fyodor had no way of possibly knowing this when he played his cards to use Chuuya of all people as a pawn in his mindless little game.

Nakahara Chuuya is your weakness. I know you know that I know this. So you'll watch as I use your  precious weakness in battle against you, won't you?
-Probably Fyodor Dostoevesky to Dazai Osamu in his mind at some point

The battle of the geniuses (and their sidekicks) against time ended in Double Black sitting on the stairs in an alleyway a safe distance away from the high security prison. The taller of them was panting, struggling to catch his breath; he did have really bad stamina, to be fair. The shorter of them was sprawled against the wall, as if relaxing after a long football match.

The first thing they did after finding shelter was inject the poison antidote in Dazai's bloodstream. They had had a rough thirty minutes, but at least the shitty mackerel won't die now. The next thing Dazai did, was touch Chuuya to nullify the weakened vampire ability on him. 

Once that was done, and he had caught his breath, Dazai turned to look at his rival and spoke up, "At least, Chuuya isn't a walking zombie! Isn't that such good news?"

It was funny how Dazai's persona had changed gears to a full one-eighty degrees in the matter of five minutes that they had left Fyodor and his Angel friends behind. With them, Dazai appeared to be a terrifying, psychopath genius whose plans couldn't be figured out by any mere human. 

To Chuuya, he was an annoying brat who made up stupidly complicated plans for no reason, which Chuuya could see through every single time. Plus, it was hard to think of him as scary when he looked like an overgrown puppy with an invisible wagging tail. 

Seriously, Dazai looked like he'd bark happily if Chuuya patted his head. And then he has the audacity to say that Chuuya is the dog in this partnership! As if!

Usually, Chuuya would take the bait and jump up at the chance to bicker, even if he knew of the bait all the time. He wouldn't usually admit this, but being with that bastard was refreshing. He was the only person who could keep up with Chuuya, the only person who fully understood him, and the only one Chuuya could be himself with, one hundred percent.

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