Chapter Twenty -Five

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*Authors Note*
So you guys were gonna get a do
double update bc I might not be able to post for a while after this because I got to my dads on Thursday for like a week and a bit which I'm not looking forward to but I hate saying no to everyone bc I'm a softy 😒 but anyway, you were going to get one but I got writers block half way through writing this so I'll update this tomorrow.. Which is the day it'll come out.. If that makes sense 😂
*McKenzie's POV*
She answered? Why wouldn't she answer me? Is she mad at me?

"Hello?" Matt said.

"Hello? Matt? Matt is that you?" She said sounding scared.

"Yes Katie. You're on speaker with all of the boys and Kenzie. Where are you?" Matt responds.

"Matt. I-I I dunno where I am. I woke up early this morning and went for a walk. I went to the park to clear my head an I met this boy named Austin, he said he was friends with Hayes and after we talked he gave me his number because he had to go so I started walking home to when I got a call. I thought it was from him at first but I realised that I didn't give him my number. And.. " she stopped when she heard a door open.

"I-I have to go. I-I'm sorry. I love you ." She said, crying and then she hung up.

We all just looked at each other ad were speechless. Is she okay? Did she get kidnapped? Well obviously Kenzie other wise she wouldn't have been so scared you dipshit.

"Guys, w-what do we do? We can't just sit here because she is obviously scared and not okay. Someone has her. " I said trying not to cry.

"Hey hey hey, we are going to find her, okay? I promise." Hayes said while hugging me. My arms were around his waist and his were around my neck. I snuggled into his chest, trying so hard not to cry.

I've never been in one of these situations before, I don't know where to start looking.

*Katies POV*
I woke up not knowing where I was. I looked around and it looked like I was in an abandoned factory with nothing but a few little windows and a door.

I tried to move but both my hands and feet were tied up and I was in a chair. I also had what felt like a piece of cloth in my mouth.

I felt my phone ring which was in my back pocket. It wa kinda hard to get but with great difficulty, I finally got it. I saw that it was Matt and praised The Lord. I quickly pressed answer and spat the cloth out of my mouth.

"Hello?" I herd Matt say.

"Hello? Matt? Matt is that you?" I said quickly.

"Yes Katie. You're on speaker with all of the boys and Kenzie. Where are you?" He worried.

I started explaining what happened but I couldn't finish before I heard footsteps and talking outside the door.

"I-I have to go. I-I'm sorry. I love you ." And then I hung up. I wish I just left them on the phone and they could hear what was going on but the people would've found out.

I quickly put my phone back in my back pocket and tried to put the cloth back in my mouth. It was not easy so I just left it and they walked over.

I couldn't quite see them because they were in the shadow of the light that was hanging above my head.

"Well well well look who decided to wake up. We didn't hit you that hard did we?" The girl said in a baby type voice.

"W-who are you and w-what do you want?" I stuttered. I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it.

"You don't need to know that right now but I do need you to answer some questions and whenever you don't answer correctly or you don't answer at all you'll get hurt.. And if you do somehow answer the questions we'll get closer and closer into the light.. Okay?" I nodded. I swear I have heard her voice before.

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