Introducing: *McKenzie*

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*Authors Note*
Hey guys sorry this is going to be my first proper fanfic (I hope😂) I've tried before and failed but in doing really well at English in school so I've improved... I guess lol anyway I hope you like this and follow my social media! Bye! 😘
McKenzie is 14 and her birthday is December 11th. She is 5"3 and is very bubbly and funny and likes to make people laugh.

She puts other people needs before hers and is nice but if you be a bitch to her watch out because McKenzie has claws.

McKenzie has 3 younger step brothers and 2 younger step sisters but doesn't like them at ALL. She has 2 younger half sisters, a 4 year old and 3 year old, who she loves to death and she also has a younger brother who is 11 named Tyler. Tyler is also related to Katie.

McKenzie has trouble liking herself but doesn't care what other people say about her, she only cares what she thinks about herself.

McKenzie likes playing sport but her favourites are Basketball and Netball.
*Auothers Note*
Sorry if this sucks but it's just introducing :) :*

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