Chapter Thirty-Six

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*Authors Note*
Wow.. I haven't updated in months... I keep saying this but I'm so sorry. I'm just losing motivation but I promise I'm gonna try my hardest from now on. I'm thinking of making certain days where I write and update so I'll hopefully start updating more.
*Hayes' POV*
I had no idea. No idea that that's the kind of pain she was going through. I thought she'd be over it by now, it's been weeks. Although I can't really say anything, I'm using Jordan as a distraction and in still with Alicia because Bart is still threatening to hurt McKenzie and you're probably wondering why not Jordan now it's because I don't love Jordan.. I love McKenzie.

I walk up to Mckenzie as she's sat with her head in her hands on the park bench I can hear her sobs from metres away. As I approach her, I already know she knows it's me. She looks up annoyed and then goes back to her head in hands.

"What do you want Hayes?" She asked trying to contain her crying, but fails.

"I'm seeing if you're okay," I say with part truth. The other reason I'm here is to talk to her about everything. I know it's really late to be doing this but I tried that day at her front door, the day we broke up.

"I'm just fine, now that you've found that out you can go back to you're annoying girlfriend and your rude group of assholes that you call 'friends'" she looked up and her makeup was all smudged and faded. She wiped her eyes and got her phone out to clean herself up.

"They aren't rude or assholes they can actually be very nice," I defend my friends. I would have defended Jordan too but Kenzie's right, she's annoying.

"Whatever you want to believe," she said as she finished cleaning her self up and stood up to walk off.

"Kenzie I-"

"Don't, call me that. Only people I like can call me that, right now you're not one of them," she interrupted me and turned around pointing her finger at me.
"You hurt me, you betrayed and lied to me. Why Hayes, why? Do you not like me? Was I never good enough? I know I'm not perfect, Hayes, but am I really not that good enough?" She wasn't even fighting back tears, there were non there. She was just filled with hate.

"If you'd let me explain I would tell you! I tried explaining this to you, I've tried but you're just so stubborn that you wouldn't let me!" I'm angry and upset now especially since she said all of that stuff about herself and she thinks I think of her like that.

"Fine Hayes.. You get 1 minute to explain.." She sighed in defeat.

We sat down and relaxed before I started explaining everything to her from scratch. She listened carefully and I saw guilt in her face, but I could tell she still wouldn't forgive me.

*McKenzie's POV*
I'm listening to him talk and all I can think about is how much of a bitch I've been to him because of this. I'm still mad at him for not explaining and telling me earlier but I know that's my stubborn arses fault.

As he finished talking I zoned back in and felt partly guilty.

"So that's why I had to stay with her, McKenzie, to protect you. I don't want you getting physically hurt," he finished.

"Hayes, I-I don't know what to say except for that I'm sorry and that you should have told me this earlier,"

"So what you're saying is this is my fault?" What? Why would he think that.

"No, no Hayes. I'm just saying if you had of told me when you got back with her I would have understood, sought of," I tried explaining but my head is not in a good place right now.

"It seems like you're blaming me for this." He's getting angry.

"I'm not blaming anyone but me for this and for not letting you explain earlier.. I'm really sorry Hayes,"

"Can you forgive me?" He asks.

I thought about that question. Could I? I mean, it's not really his fault but he did still lie to me.

"I don't know Hay-"

"Please McKenzie, please," he interrupted with plead.

"Hayes, it'll take some time I can't just forgive you straight away." I sighed, him following my action.

"I know, but I'll make it up to you, I promise," he held his pinky out to me.

"Pinky promise," he added.

I laughed and pinky promised him before standing up.

"Come on we have to go back to tryouts now. They're probably about to start." I didn't really want to go back. I didn't want to face Katie or Jordan or anyone who saw Katie yelling at me.

"Yeah let's head back." He stood up and we started walking.
*Authors Note*
So that's the chapter and I know it's shit but like I said I don't have that much motivation or thoughts for this book at the moment. I'm also changing the cover of this book so thanks to writingsbvb for that 👍🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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