Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*Authors Note*
So I'm kinda having writers block and idek why Jorden kidnapped McKenzie and Katie. I just had nothing to write and idek but yeah :')
*McKenzie's POV*
It's been 5 hours since I heard about this Alicia girl. Jorden left us like 3 hours ago to go somewhere but she has two men that look quite scary, watching us.

These past 5 hours I've had silent tears, that I didn't even know were there, running down my face. I've had thoughts running through my head and it's slowly and painfully driving me insane. All these thoughts and questions that I can't answer.

What does she look like?
She's probably way prettier than me.
Why am I so upset about this?
Do the boys even notice that we are gone?
I did tell hayes that i'd text him, surely he'd be worried?

I looked over at Katie who was looking down.

"Hey Katie?" I don't even know what I was going to say but we've been sitting here in the same room for the past 5 hours with complete silence.

She looked up looking shocked. Like she didn't expect me to talk to he. I wonder if she knew.. Maybe that's what I'll ask.

"Y-yeah Kenzie?"

"Did you know?" I say. My voice cracking at the end.

"W-what? No! I didn't know until Jorden asked me about her right before you got here. If I knew I would have told you. You know that. Right?!" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I-I just.. Sorry." I say regretting even asking.

"It's fine. I would've done the same thing if the roles were reversed." She gives me a weak, no teeth smile. Which I return.

After a very long 5 minute pause she spoke again.

"What are you going to do? Like when you see hayes again? What will you say?" She aked, sounding hesitant.

I thought about it. It's actually a good question. Do I bring up the convosation? Do I not say anything and see what happens? I didn't think about this.

"I-I don't know. I havnt really thought about it." We giggle. Trying to lighten the mood.

"We've been sitting here for 5 hours and you havnt thought about what you're going to do or say when you see him?" She laughs and I join her.

"Nope," I giggle. "I mean, I want to know about her and why they are together or if they are even official and all that stuff but I wouldn't know how to bring up the convosation. Do I even start one?" I look down, wishing my hands were untied so I could fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

"Of corse you should start a convosation. If you don't know how than the best way is to just ask who she i-" Katie was interrupted by one of the scary men.

"Can you two shut up? We don't want to hear about your little boyfriend problems. Jeez." He scoffed.

"Excuse me? Can you not be so rude." I scoff back.

"Don't be a smartness sweetie. I will hurt you." He starts coming towards me.

"Prove it." I say, glaring at him.

He starts coming over faster now and when he reaches me he pulls his left arm up and pushes with force. I feel a stinging sensation on my right cheek and realise he slapped me.

"What the fuck was that for you women basher." I spat.

"Don't make me slap you again, bitch." He turned around but this time he didn't go to his designated spot. He stood right in front of us. Id say 5 metres away.

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