Chapter 3 -Draco, Severus's Pain, Harriet's Knight

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Harriet calmly washed her sweater and skirt using water from the lavatory sink.

Once the soiled spots on her clothes had been dampened, she wiped the fabrics with pieces of tissue that she'd been able to find in the bathroom.

She frowned as she worked, irritated that the spilled potion was apparently not easily lifted from clothing.

The few cleaning spells that she knew had proved to be ineffective.

Harriet began to feel the pressure to hurry up and finish her task as she noticed that time was passing.

Her father would be worried that she wasn't in the Great Hall.

She would miss dinner if she di-

An odd noise called her attention away.

Schlump, scrape, schlump.

Schlump, scrape, schlump.

Harriet narrowed her eyes and took a few steps over towards the bathroom entryway.

.........What was that?

Schlump, scrape, schlump.

Schlump, scrape, schlump.

She furrowed her brow in confusion and walked through the narrow entrance hall to the lavatory......only to find herself standing directly in front of a massive troll.

The troll towered over her, tall and ugly.

To her horror, Harriet noticed that her menacing foe also held a huge, ominous-looking club.

With less than three months of formal magical education and no experience at all battling dangerous creatures, Harriet shrieked in response and leapt backwards after the troll looked at her with a scowl and greeted her with a great shout.

Harriet pulled out her wand in an attempt to defend herself, but the troll caught her off guard when it swung its empty hand.

The blow left her physically unhurt.

Unfortunately, the impact did manage to knock her violently over to the side.

Harriet cried out as her wand rolled from her open hand and eventually came to rest beside one of the toilets all the way across the lavatory.

Her frightened reaction seemed to anger the troll and with a chilling roar, the vile creature lumbered towards her with a snarl......



Draco heard that terrible roar as he dashed through the dungeons and rushed towards the girls' lavatory.

The sound sent shivers of fright rippling through him.

Draco fought against his instincts, which begged him to turn around and flee in the opposite direction.


He didn't necessarily have to fight, if he could just steal her away from the troll, then they could flee together.

Draco slid into the girls' lavatory a moment later and his grey eyes widened in absolute dismay at what he saw.

Harriet was on the floor, with her hands protectively over her head.

Her wand was.......all the way on the other side of the room.

The troll, gargantuan and hideous, stood over her and raised its enormous club to strike.

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