Chapter 7 - Desperation

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The early morning held a chill reminiscent of the fading winter as Draco and Harriet arrived at the Owlery.

They both shuddered at the bitter wind that blew past.

Harriet took a sealed letter out of her pocket and looked for an agreeable bird while Draco thought furiously.

He had no letter to send to anyone.

He had lied to remain in Harriet's company, but he couldn't let her discover that.

Relief flooded his system when he pressed a hand over his pocket and felt a lump of folded, blank parchment inside......perhaps that could rescue him.

While Harriet busied herself with securing an owl, Draco hurriedly removed the parchment from his pocket and folded it neatly.

Harriet didn't have to know it was blank, only that he needed an envelope.

Draco stood with a scowl on his pale face as Harriet turned to face him after the owl had flown off with her letter.

"Oh." Harriet said as she blinked at Draco and began to rummage around in the pockets of her robes once more, "Right....your envelope."

"Who did you write to, Snape?" Draco asked with a hateful sneer.

Part of him was genuinely curious, part of him was fearful.

What if Harriet had written to another boy?

Where would she have even met another boy?

Did she have some irritating friend outside of Hogwarts that he didn't know about?

Did she-

"My mum." Harriet shrugged as she found her desired item and offered Draco the envelope from her pocket.


"Your Mum?" Draco asked with his grey eyes narrowed, "Can you not bear to be parted from her for a few days? It's Wednesday, you were home all weekend."

"Why do you know my schedule so well?" Harriet scowled.

Draco scoffed loudly to save himself, "The entire school knows that Professor Snape's darling runs home to Mummy and Daddy every weekend! It's hardly any secret."

Harriet didn't notice, but Draco made sure that his fingers brushed hers for a fleeting, blissful second while he snatched the envelope out of her hand as she glared at him.

"Actually, Malfoy, my Mum hasn't been feeling well. I thought that a letter may cheer her up." Harriet huffed at Draco as he placed his blank parchment in the envelope and sealed it with a gentle touch of his wand.

"What's wrong with her?" Draco spat coldly, "Is she going to have another baby?"

"I don't know." Harriet retorted with narrowed eyes, "Mum and Dad haven't said anything about another baby, just that she's unwell but should be better soon."

Draco smirked arrogantly at Harriet as he walked over and gave his letter to a waiting owl.

Harriet squinted suspiciously as she watched the bird fly away.

Draco turned to her and gave her the most conceited grin that he could manage as he haughtily commented, "I bet she's going to have another baby. I've heard that's all the Snape women can do. Lie around and breed. Useless things, aren't you?"

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