Chapter 31 - Babies

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The week that followed seemed stifled by the anxious tension that lingered in the Snapes' cottage.

Harriet and Draco had established their permanent residence at his childhood home, but Harriet felt more comfortable in hers.

The young couple cuddled in the nest she had built in her room while they waited for their baby to enter the world.

Severus and Lily did the same for the majority of that week, while Eileen looked after the boys with Gwendolyn's spirit helping in any way that she could.

Lucius and Narcissa usually came by once a day to inquire about the mothers' health and to see if the babies had arrived yet.

Harriet's brothers remained blissfully naive about the events that would soon occur in their household.

However, as Harriet lingered in her nest one morning, Draco's nervous anticipation increased.

"Harriet......" He asked his wife gently as she rolled onto her side with an irritable sigh, ".......Are you having any pain, love? Shall I call the midwife?"

"Draco, I constantly have pain now." Harriet huffed as she turned her head to look at her mate, "My back aches, my body aches, my head aches.......Your son or daughter keeps me awake all night, every night.....Their movements aren't much fun at this stage, I can tell you that."

Draco frowned as Harriet pulled herself to sit up and placed a hand to her temple as she let out a deep, frustrated growl.

"Harriet, darling," Draco coaxed in a voice that sounded uncharacteristically gentle as he reached out and cautiously placed a hand on Harriet's shoulder, ".......What can I do to ease your suffering?"

"You can reach up inside me and pull this child out." Harriet snapped while she looked up and placed her hand on the side of her belly as another torrent of motion landed under her palm.

Draco's face paled in horror, but Harriet scowled at him as she glanced over and noticed his expression.

She frowned as she eased his mind, "I'm not in labour, Draco, I'm just annoyed."

"Oh...." He nodded.

"There is something I would like to do, though." Harriet grunted as she struggled to move in her nest.

"What's that? Don't stress yourself! Here, let me help you!.......Let me help you." Draco urged his pregnant mate as he swiftly rose and aided Harriet while she stood to her feet.

"I'd really love to lie down with Mum again." Harriet confessed as she blew out a breath once she had successfully gotten up.

Draco watched the colour drain from his mate's face as she cradled her belly and closed her eyes.

"........Harriet, my love?" Draco asked worriedly as he laid his hands over hers, "..........Are you positive you don't want me to send for the midwife?"

"Please, Draco...." Harriet begged as she placed one of her palms supportively on her lower back, "I really want to be with Mum."


Already experienced with the process of labour and delivery, Severus didn't even bother asking Lily that morning if she needed the midwife to come or not.

He had smelled the sweetness of his mate's scent that signaled their baby's arrival would be imminent as soon as he had woken.

Lily cuddled against him while he held her tightly in one arm and cast a summoning charm with his wand gripped in his free hand.

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