Chapter 10 - Professor Snape's Rival

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The girls in the lavatory said something about my glasses today, but I don't really care. Hermione and I told them off. I need my glasses to see, they can laugh if they like.

Harriet sat and stared down at the open diary in her hands as she watched her black ink disappear only to be slowly replaced by a new reply:

There's nothing wrong with wearing glasses. Those stupid girls are probably jealous of you.

Harriet smiled down at the reassuring words on the page.

She could always talk to Ron and Hermione about her troubles, and she had, earlier in the day, but there was something exciting about writing in a diary that responded.

Since she had started keeping a daily log of her life, Harriet understood why having a diary was a popular thing to do, although she didn't realize that most people's diaries did not write back.

When she heard footsteps coming up the stairs to her dormitory room, she quickly snapped the black book shut, stuffed it back under her bed, and glanced over towards the door.

She smiled politely at one of the other Gryffindor girls who walked in to retrieve a scarf out of her trunk.

Harriet sighed under her breath after the girl left the room.

She had come dangerously close to getting caught writing to her enchanted confidant.


Across the castle, a sigh escaped Draco's lips too while he sat in the Slytherin common room yet again and stared down expectantly at the torn page in front of him.

It was always his least favorite part of the evening, whenever Harriet stopped writing back.

After several minutes had passed and no more letters of black ink had appeared on the diary page that he possessed, Draco folded the paper into his pocket with a frown.

Oh well.

Each night, Harriet wrote and Draco answered.

Their conversations were gradually gaining more depth and Severus's daughter had started to tell Lucius's son, well, the diary, many things.

Draco rose from his seat in the common room and stomped up to his dungeon dormitory with a pout.

As incredible as it was to write to Harriet, Draco longed for the day when he would earn the privilege to speak to her with his lips instead of his quill.


Officially, Draco and Harriet remained bitter enemies.

Severus watched with a frown one morning as his daughter and Draco glared at each other across the Great Hall.

Slytherin had lost to Gryffindor in the Quidditch match two days prior.

Professor Snape's Hogwarts house was not known for its forgiving nature.

Marcus Flint threw Oliver Wood menacing glances while Draco and Harriet stared each other down.

Draco accepted her hatred.

A scornful glare from Harriet was better than nothing, at least she looked at him.

Everyone else seemed too busy to notice the animosity between the members of the two Quidditch teams.

All of Hogwarts' students chatted excitedly with one another while they ate their breakfast.

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