Chapter 24 - What's to Come

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Hogwarts was not prepared for the wrath of an angry Malfoy as Lucius strode in with his cane clutched in hand and his elegant cloak flowing behind him.

He marched through the castle on his path to the Headmaster's office with a miserable scowl on his face.

Professor Dumbledore blinked when he saw the irate Hogwarts Governor charge into his room after he gave his unscheduled visitor permission to enter.

"Lucius.....what a surprise." Dumbledore greeted his guest as he blinked, "Is there some way in which I can be of assistance?"

Dumbledore knew his question was unnecessary from the anguished scowl of seriousness on Lucius's face as he approached the desk.

"I think there are a great many ways in which you may be of assistance, Headmaster!" Lucius snapped as he stepped forward and shoved Draco's letter at Dumbledore, "My son was attacked in your school last night and I want to see some punishment be doled out against the culprit! We must be very careful though......Draco's letter has alerted me to the problem that so many of us have feared occurring."

Dumbledore took the letter from Lucius and read over Draco's hastily scrawled lines.

"Well?!" Lucius hissed as Dumbledore raised his gaze and blinked at him.

"I'll send for Severus right away." Dumbledore nodded, "You're correct, Lucius......The situation does appear to need urgent consideration, indeed."


Severus quickly responded to the headmaster's summons.

For the next hour, he stood with Lucius in Dumbledore's office while the three wizards deliberated over the best way to move forward and the wisest path to safety.

"If we choose the wrong approach to handle this matter, I'm afraid of what Tom Riddle may do in retaliation to our students and staff. Specifically your son, Lucius, if what Draco wrote is true." Dumbledore nodded.

Lucius scowled at Dumbledore while he hissed through grit teeth, "May I remind you, Headmaster, that it is your duty to keep my son safe as long as he remains on school grounds!"

"And I will fulfill that duty to my best ability, Lucius." Dumbledore retorted as he stared at the man in front of him, "But I cannot be everywhere at once. It may be best for the time being if you take the boy home for a while."

"Away from the classroom?!" Lucius exclaimed.

Dumbledore shrugged, "If you doubt my capabilities, then perhaps you and Narcissa can do better at protecting young Draco from harm. I'm certain that Malfoy manor is fortified with greater enchantments than this castle to withstand Tom's potential attacks, is it not?"

Dumbledore and Lucius eyed one another closely for a tense moment until Severus interjected in his low drawl, "Perhaps it would be wise to bring the children here and allow them to join our discussion."

Severus's dark gaze flickered between Dumbledore and Lucius as they both gaped at him with incredulous expressions on their faces.

"You may be right, Severus." Dumbledore nodded.

Before Lucius could reply, Severus gazed at his friend as he explained, "It's really my daughter of which I speak. Surely you realize from the letter you received, Lucius, that your son is already well-acquainted with the unique circumstances we face."

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