Chapter 14 - Battle of the Slytherins

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

While the other students made their way towards the Great Hall for dinner, during that brief time before formality dictated her attendance of the meal, Harriet walked into the courtyard and sat down on a stone bench close to the inner wall where she could remain out of sight by passersby.

Harriet looked around anxiously as she waited.

And waited......

And waited......

She had been sitting on the bench for about five minutes, although that five minutes had felt like an eternity, when her friend finally appeared and walked towards her.

Harriet believed that it was Tom Riddle who met her in the courtyard.

However, underneath the disguise of Polyjuice Potion, Draco's longing heart leapt for joy at the happy look on his beloved's face at his approach.

"Harriet." Draco nodded as he walked up, careful to give her his best impression of Tom Riddle's suave voice.

How grand it felt to call her by her first name and see her smile!

"Tom!" Harriet chirped, "I expect we don't have long until they come and usher us to dinner. Shall we get started?"

"Of course." Draco nodded as he sat down next to her on the bench.

As Harriet unconsciously scooted closer towards him, Tom, er, Draco smirked.

Harriet pulled out her Transfiguration homework.

Draco moved obscenely close to her as he leaned down towards the parchment while he pretended to squint at the assignment.

"I think number five is very difficult." Harriet said with a sigh, "Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? Even Hermione wasn't entirely sure that she answered it correctly."

Draco narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow as if he were concentrating very hard on the question.

Truthfully, he hadn't completed the assignment yet either.

What difference did it make?

Draco had taken on Tom's form for much more important reasons than helping Harriet with her homework.

As much as it pained him, he knew that he had to put his plan into action.

He had to use Tom Riddle's appearance to disappoint Harriet and frame his rival as a scoundrel in her eyes.

However, Draco tragically hesitated, weakened by the sweet scent of Harriet's shampoo that drifted off of her hair as a gentle breeze rustled past.

"..........Tom?" Harriet blinked while she waited on an answer.

Draco turned to look at her.

In the fading light of day, with her hair blowing around the sides of her face and her wide, green eyes fixed on him so revertantly, Draco couldn't help the softness that crept into his eyes.

Harriet's breath hitched as he glanced down at her lips, then back up to her face in a silent inquiry.

"Tom......?" Harriet whispered as Draco leaned in towards her.

He knew what needed to be done.

He knew that it wouldn't be right to steal a kiss from Harriet's lips while he wore the guise of another, but there she was, in front of him, with an open heart, a bright smile, and he.......

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