Chapter 16 - Plans

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Dear Severus,

I deeply apologize for the harm that my son has caused. This letter comes to you out of regretful embarrassment on my and Narcissa's behalf. I plead with you to forgive the boy and hope that you and your lovely wife will consider joining us for dinner one evening in the near future? Perhaps we may have some business to discuss.


Lucius Malfoy, Hogwarts Governor, Head of the Malfoy Family

Severus scowled down at the letter from his old friend as he paced across the vacant potions classroom.


What business could he, Lily, and the Malfoys possibly have to discuss?

Severus folded the letter and placed it into the pocket of his robes with a scowl.

Lily had promised that she would come to Hogwarts and share a private lunch with him that day.

He supposed that he would talk to his lover about the curious letter he had received when she visited him later that afternoon.

Although Severus wasn't sure what Lily would make of the communication, he knew that Lucius's words had failed to please him.


That same day, Lily arrived at Hogwarts' castle five minutes after the lunch period began.

She made her way down the corridor with a bright smile on her face as she clutched the basket that held her and Severus's meal.

As Lily walked down the spiraling steps that led to the dungeons, she would have made it to her alpha's office without any difficulty at all if it hadn't been for a wandering toad.

Escaped from its owner, the wayward amphibian blended right in with the grey, stone steps.

Lily failed to see the little animal until it leapt out at her unexpectedly, as if it meant to snatch the basket from her arms.

She cried out in surprise as she stumbled.

Her emerald eyes widened when she realized that she would surely fall all the way down the stairs.......

Her basket was thrown into the air, which sent its contents spilling out of the cloth that safely covered them.....

Lily heard a shout.

A glowing light gently encircled her.

As suddenly as her journey began, it ended with her safely back on her feet and the basket full of food landing undisturbed in her arms.

Lily drew in a deep breath before she turned around with a relieved huff to see a dark-haired boy standing on the steps behind her.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" The boy asked with a kind smile.

Lily laid a hand over her chest as she gasped and nodded, "I....I am, indeed, thanks to you! Forgive me, what's your name?"

"My name is Tom Riddle." Tom informed her as a handsome grin spread across his lips.

He didn't bother to ask who Lily was, he already knew.

Lily became suspicious when she realized that Severus's worry was standing right in front of her.

Regardless, she remained grateful for the boy's help as she politely replied, "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Tom. I'm Lily, Professor Snape's wife. I was just on my way to see him assured that I'll put in a good word for you. My husband admires acts of chivalry."

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