Chapter 30 - Waiting

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As the weeks went by, the Snape and Malfoy families prepared for the upcoming births.

Severus raced home at the end of every day to check on his wife and ensure she remained comfortable in her nest.

At his insistence, during the last month of school, Lily accompanied him to work and spent the hours lying in his private chambers amongst a mound of soft pillows and warm blankets.

Lily would have preferred to stay at home, but she had kindly acquiesced to her alpha's wishes.

She understood that it kept Severus calmer to know his heavily pregnant wife stayed within an easily reachable distance in case she needed anything.

Lily did enjoy the calming coolness that the dungeon offered, which gave her a respite from the bright, hot sun.

During those days, Eileen came and looked after Oliver, Brendan, and Draven until their parents returned home in the evenings.

Severus's absences from the Great Hall were frequent during those weeks.

Instead of spending his meal times frowning from his seat at the High Table, he instructed Hogwarts' house elves to bring his and Lily's sustenance to the Potions Master's chambers.

Severus could hardly be bothered to release Lily from his embrace long enough to teach his students.

Professor Snape refused to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner apart from his beloved flower.


Harriet did not enjoy the same luxuries as her mother.

Instead of shuffling from class to class, she would have loved to have laid in her nest for a cuddle with her alpha.

Draco stayed beside Harriet throughout the day and gladly carried her books, but that didn't ease his mate's exhaustion.

After one very stressful school day, Harriet fought to keep her eyes open during their study period as Draco worriedly watched.

".......Harriet?" He whispered from where he sat across the table.

Beside him, Ron and Hermione glanced up.

"........I'm fine." Harriet insisted as she blinked her glazed eyes.

Draco watched her lay a hand on her rounded belly, which had grown to be unconcealable, even under the heavy thickness of her school robes.

Despite Harriet's protest, he noticed that her eyes fluttered as she stared back down at her Potions textbook.

"Harriet....." Draco whispered again in an attempt to rouse her.

He received no answer to his second inquiry.

Harriet lost her battle to maintain consciousness.

Her eyes closed as the overwhelming need for rest consumed her and sent her toppling off the wooden bench.

"HARRIET!" Draco shouted.

Hermione had her wand in her hand before anyone realized. She hurriedly pointed its tip at her friend and cried, "LEVICORPUS!"

The spell crashed into Harriet and spared her body from colliding with the floor as she hovered in a harmless suspension.

"Harriet!" Draco shouted as he leapt from his seat and rushed over to his wife.

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